EVNSPC donated 100 water storage tanks to poor households in Long An province

11:13, 19/06/2017

The Southern Power Corporation (EVNSPC) in coordination with Radio the Voice of Vietnam in Ho Chi Minh City organized a ceremony to donate water storage tanks to 100 poor households in 5 communes: Long An, Phuoc Vinh Tay, Phuoc Vinh Dong, Dong Thanh and Tan Tap in Can Giuoc district, Long An province.

To prepare for this program, since May 2017 EVNSPC has cooperated with Radio the Voice of Vietnam in Ho Chi Minh City, Office of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs of Can Giuoc district and Long An Power Company to have a field visit, survey and make a list of difficult households in order to make sure that the goods will be assisted to right people.

Donating large volume water storage tanks to local people demonstrates the spirit of sharing and supporting of the power industry to difficult households in order to assist these households in conquering difficulties and bettering their living conditions.

A representative of EVNSPC said that, in parallel to the main mission of securing electricity delivery to production and residential activities of the people in Southern cities and provinces, during the past time, the Corporation has actively participated in many social security and local charity activities in the spirit of “enterprises for communities”.

