Commercial power output of entire Group estimated to be 146.356 billion kWh for 11 months

The total energy in 11 months of 2016 reached 146.356 billion kWh, exceeding total commercial power output of 2015 (143.34 billion kWh), and reached 91.99% of the plan for 2016.

In December, EVN will continue to supply power with the best quality service to appreciate customers. Photo: EVNCPC

According to the EVN Business Department, the growth rate of the commercial power output of EVN reached 11.28% compared with the same period of the previous year.

Out of the total commercial power output, the power supplied for industry and management consumption made up the highest percentage, 53.3% and 34.7% respectively. 

The power supplied for agriculture, though impressively increased (52.78% compared with the same period of 2015), was still the category of lowest consumption with only 2.3%.

For November alone, the commercial power output of the whole EVN reached 13.68 billion kWh, gaining a growth rate of 11.67% compared with the same period of last year.

The Northern Power Corporation (EVNNPC) witnessed the highest growth rate with 13.42% due to remarkable increase of power for industry consumption in the North.

Meanwhile, Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation (EVNHCM) was the one with the lowest growth rate of commercial power in November (only 3.93%) due to the remarkable decrease of management consumption. Currently, it is the rainy season in Ho Chi Minh City with nice weather, the demand for high capacity electrical devices such as air conditioners and steam electric fans, hence, is significantly reduced. 

During December, EVN will continue to meet the demand for power for socio-economic development of the country. The units of EVN will focus on ensuring electricity supply for the occasion of Christmas and the New Year.



  • 06/12/2016 05:01
  • 1048