EVN has completed the task of connecting to and sharing with the national database on population through the National Public Service Portal ahead of schedule

According to Project 06 under Decision No. 06/QD-TTg dated 6 January 2022 of the Prime Minister, Vietnam Electricity (EVN) has been instructed to implement a connection to and share with the national database on the population through the National Public Service Portal to provide 2 services which are new electricity connection to the low voltage grid and change of power supply contract parties. With activeness and flexibility, EVN has completed the task 4 months earlier than the targeted schedule.

On August 9, at the headquarters of the Government, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, Chairman of the National Committee on Digital Transformation, chaired a conference to review the 6-month implementation of the project on developing the application of population database, identification and electronic authentication for the national digital transformation in the period of 2022 - 2025, with a vision to 2030 (referred to as Project 06).

Conference to review the 6-month implementation of the project on developing the application of population database, identification and electronic authentication for the national digital transformation in the period of 2022 - 2025, with a vision to 2030. Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, Chairman of the National Committee on Digital Transformation chaired the conference - Photo source: Chinhphu.vn

With EVN's electricity services, when connecting to the National Database of Population via the National Public Service Portal, it will provide convenience to a customer since all kinds of personal documents in the power supply request such as identification papers and household registration books are replaced with the following information: the citizen's personal identification number; identity card number; the citizen's permanent address; full name of the citizen; the citizen's current residence; information on the head of the citizen's household; household book number in the national population database.

EVN’s Vice President Vo Quang Lam attended the conference

This connection together with the digital transformation in dealing with electricity services by EVN's electronic method brings practical effects such as saving travel costs; no need for printing, preservation and storage of paper documents, with nearly 20 million pages of documents corresponding to the signing of 1 million new power supply contracts and about 1 million requests for changing contents of contracts signed with customers. All these paper documents are replaced by the population database information on the National Public Service Portal and electronic transaction records between the power company and customers.

Vietnam Electricity has cooperated with the Police Department for administrative management of social order - the Ministry of Public Security, the Department of Administrative Procedures Control - the Government Office and the Department of Cyber Security, Hi-tech Crime Prevention and Control, Department of Professional Technology of the Ministry of Public Security, to do the technical connection, check conditions of information safety and security, and restructure professional processes from 2021. Therefore, since Project 06 was launched, EVN has immediately collaborated with the Ministry of Public Security and the Government Office to shift the connection system from the test environment to the real one. As a result, 2 electricity services: New electricity connection to the low-voltage grid and Change of power supply contract parties (out of 25 essential services under Project 06) have been completed by EVN 4 months earlier than the schedule assigned by the Prime Minister at Decision No. 06/QD-TTg.

Currently, all electricity services provided by EVN online have reached level 4, which is the highest level of e-Government. At the same time, the power sector is the first to complete the connection of 100% of the services to the National Public Service Portal. EVN has also been taking the initiative to guide people and businesses in using electricity services on the National Public Service Portal. Notably, the number of electricity service requests has accounted for more than 50% of the total requests of all ministries/sectors/localities on the Portal.

In parallel with the process of connecting to and sharing with the population database, EVN has actively worked with the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Justice to receive guidance on the implementation of regulations related to the new electricity connection and change of power supply contracts when using the information in the population database instead of residence documents such as household registration books, temporary residence certificates, etc.

In the first 7 months of 2022:

• EVN has received nearly 8.4 million electricity service requests, of which 99.9% of requests were received through the National Public Service Portal, the Public Administration Center, Customer Care Call Center/Customer Care Website/Customer Care app.

• With 2 services "New electricity connection to the low voltage grid" and "Change of power supply contract parties" on the National Public Service Portal: Customers have requested 875,300 service turns, of which 232,500 customer turns have exploited the shared information from the population database and 27,300 have exploited information about households in the population database.

  • 09/08/2022 11:25
  • evn.com.vn
  • 168