As of June 2022, EVNSPC has converted 98% of paper periodical reports to electronic ones; reduced by 93.4% the number of paper reports submitted by units to the corporation; complete 99% of the digital transformation of all office, administration and archives regular activities; issuing/receiving electronic documents via EVNSPC axis (D-Office) and EVN document communication axis, etc.
EVNSPC has issued/received electronic documents via D-Office electronic office application and EVN document communication axis.
The electronic office helps to create a centralized management system, supporting the unit leaders to closely and transparently operate their work anytime, anywhere. All employees can also easily manage documents, instantly send and receive documents to improve the efficiency of general information resource exploitation and labor productivity.
According to the governance digital transformation plan in the 2022-2025 period, EVNSPC continues to promote digital transformation communication and awareness among all employees; completes the review, builds the workflow settlement; develops documents describing the business process flow of implementing and archiving electronic records for regular activities; connecting document communication axis sending/receiving between EVNSPC and affiliated units and vice versa between units in the Power sector (except confidential documents).
EVNSPC is moving towards completely eliminating the traditional form of reporting, transforming to updating parameters and data on EVNPortal and shared software.