Ministry of Industry and Trade: Announcement of the National Power Development Plan for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050

Under the authorization of the Prime Minister, on May 19, the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) held a conference to announce the National Power Development Plan for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050 (Power Plan VIII). The master plan was approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 500/QD-TTg dated May 15, 2023.

Speaking at the conference, MOIT  Nguyen Hong Dien emphasized that Power Plan VIII approved by the Prime Minister is of special significance, opening up a new development space for Vietnam's energy industry in a sustainable and equitable direction, in line with the views and policies of the Party and the State as well as the actual capabilities of the country as well as international development trends, such as green economy, circular economy, low- carbon economy, etc.

In order to successfully implement Power Plan VIII, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and relevant ministries, branches, and units shall urgently focus on implementing a number of key tasks.

Specifically, well implementing the communication and dissemination of the core contents of the master plan to all levels, sectors, the business community, and all classes of people in various appropriate forms in order to create consistency in terms of awareness and action, being determined to successfully implement the goals and tasks set out in the master plan.

Organizing exhibitions, display models, diagrams, maps, and database systems on the plan in order to publicly announce the contents of Power Plan VIII for businesses, organizations, and individuals in the whole society to know about, participate in, and supervise the implementation of the plan in accordance with the law, etc.

At the same time, urgently developing and submitting to competent authorities a plan for promulgation to implement the Master Plan in accordance with the law, ensuring publicity, transparency, and consistency; the synchronous and rhythmic manner in organization and implementation process; ensuring that the Planning options are implemented in practice; at the same time, promoting international cooperation activities in the field of research, formulation of mechanisms, policies, and management of electricity development.

Minister Nguyen Hong Dien speaks at the conference

Focusing on researching and advising the competent authorities to promptly amend, supplement and promulgate relevant regulations, mechanisms, and policies in order to perfect the policy and legal framework on electricity development, and renewable energy development, using electricity economically and efficiently, ensuring synchronous and feasible aspects; special attention will be paid to speeding up the development of the Electricity Law (amended), the Law on Economical and Efficient Use of Energy (amended), the Law on Renewable Energy Development, the mechanism of direct electricity trading and mechanisms and policies to socialize investment in the transmission power grid, encourage enterprises to invest in the development of renewable energy, new energy, develop the electrical equipment manufacturing industry to serve the needs of the country and for export purposes.

EVN proactively implements solutions to ensure stable and safe power supply for socio-economic development in all situations; concentrates resources on investment in power source and transmission grid projects, ensuring quality and progress as per the assigned tasks; at the same time, focuses on thoroughly implementing solutions to innovate corporate governance, reduce power loss, save costs, reduce costs, improve production and business efficiency, and ensure sustainable development.

  • 19/05/2023 06:39
  • 819