Conclusions of Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha on electricity price negotiation for transitional renewable energy projects

The Government Office has just issued a notice No. 182/TB-VPCP dated May 17, 2023, on the conclusions of Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha at the meeting on the implementation of the Government’s conclusions related to price negotiation for wind power and solar power projects that have been completed and not yet been put into operation (May 12, 2023).

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Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha stated: In order to achieve the goal of sustainable development, the Government has been implementing necessary solutions to realize the national energy transition, including incentive policies for renewable energy investment and development. Over the recent time, many wind and solar power plants have been invested in and put into operation, adding a remarkable capacity volume to the power system, and contributing to achieving the goal of ensuring national energy security and socio-economic development. However, during the implementation process, many projects have been invested in but have not been put to use, causing a waste of social resources.

In order to promptly address this situation, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha requested the Ministry of Industry and Trade to urgently amend Circular No. 15/2022/TT-BCT dated October 3, 2022, Decision No. 21 /QD-BCT dated January 7, 2023, in accordance with legal regulations.

While no specific regulations on pricing and price negotiation methods have yet to be in place, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has to issue specific guidance documents on methods of price calculation and negotiation for wind and solar power projects. Directing agencies to speed up the granting of electricity operation permits for completed projects.

As for projects that have construction-investment activities and legal documents been fulfilled and completed as prescribed, the Ministry of Industry and Trade will urgently issue instructive documents before May 20, 2023, accordingly EVN shall negotiate temporary prices with project investors and agree to integrate these projects into the power grid. After the price negotiation and concurrence, the payment and settlement will be made according to the official price from the date of grid integration.

As for projects that have not yet met operation conditions or have legal procedure-related troubles: The Ministry of Industry and Trade and local authorities where transitional power projects are located shall urgently direct project owners to complete application procedures as prescribed.

As for transitional projects that have investment procedures completed and are included in the revised Power Master Plan VII but the planning periods have expired, the Ministry of Industry and Trade shall issue documents to instruct project owners and local authorities where the projects are located to comply with regulations of the law on planning, Resolution No. 61/2022/QH15 dated June 16, 2022, of the National Assembly and other relevant regulations.

The Deputy Prime Minister assigned the Ministry of Planning and Investment to urgently issue instructive documents before May 25, 2023, based on which the People's Committees of provinces and cities shall consider and adjust investment policies for transitional renewable energy projects that have implementation duration of 24 months exceeding the duration specified in the initial investment policy approval document in accordance with regulations.

  • 18/05/2023 12:32
  • 443