2/85 transitional solar and wind power plants approved for temporary electricity purchase prices

As of May 10, 2023, 31/85 transitional solar and wind power plants with a total capacity (COD) of 1,956.8MW not yet commercially operational have submitted electricity purchase negotiation dossiers with EVN. In which, a temporary price has been approved for 2 plants by EVN.


Specifically, 15 projects completed their dossiers and are in the electricity prices negotiating process with EVN; 11 projects have not yet submitted their full dossiers and need to clarify some legal issues of the project; 5 projects have just been submitted and are being reviewed by EVN.

Notably, there were 16 investors proposed to apply a temporary price during the negotiation period. In which, 6 power plants have met and agreed on a temporary electricity price with EVN, including Nam Binh 1, Vien An, and Hung Hai Gia Lai wind power plants, Phu My 1 and Phu My 3 solar power plant, and Hanbaram wind power plant.

On May 10, EVN approved temporary prices for Nam Binh 1 Wind Power Plant and Vien An Wind Power Plant.

According to the provisions of the Electricity Law, electricity projects can only be put into operation when they have been granted an electricity operation license. However, according to investor dossiers, only 13/85 transitional energy plants (accounting for about 15%) have been granted electricity operation licenses by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. And among the 6 power plants that have agreed on temporary prices, only 3 wind power plants Nam Binh 1, Hung Hai Gia Lai, and Habaram have been licensed.

Among 85 transitional wind and solar projects, power plants/part of power plants, there are:

• 77 wind power plants/part of power plants with a total capacity of 4,185.4MW

• 8 solar power plants/part of power plants with a total capacity of 506.66MW

  • 16/05/2023 09:50
  • evn.com.vn
  • 163