Scam website of Southern Power Corporation Customer Care Center appears
09:37, 20/11/2024
The scam website has the address: Southern Power Corporation (EVNSPC) affirms that this access address does not belong to Southern Power Corporation, EVNSPC Customer Care Center, or any member unit of EVNSPC.

This website has forged some content, images, and logos that may be mistaken for EVNSPC Customer Care Center.
Specifically, bad guys use the link to the scam website “” with an interface similar to the Google Play platform, a digital distribution platform of applications for the Android operating system and digital media store, operated by Google, to create trust for customers that they are downloading the “real” application of the Southern Power Corporation with the App named EVNSPC CSKH. EVNSPC warns that if customers install the application, they may be scammed, affecting their rights.
Recently, in the southern provinces and cities, there have been cases of bad guys impersonating electricity employees to defraud and steal money from people's accounts.
Currently, Southern Power Corporation only owns the website at: and the website of EVNSPC Customer Care Center at:
EVNSPC recommends that customers using electricity when requesting any EVNSPC service, only look up the official address information of EVNSPC or contact the Call Center number 19001006 or 19009000 for advice and answers at 24/7 mode.
To download and install the EVNSPC Customer Service App of Southern Power Corporation, customers scan the QR code below:

Translator: Mạnh Hùng