03 EVN engineers were awarded Ton Duc Thang Award

On August 19, Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee, Ho Chi Minh City Labor Confederation and Saigon Giai Phong Newspaper jointly organized the awarding of Ton Duc Thang awards to 20 outstanding exemplars; in which, there are 02 engineers of Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation (EVNHCMC) and 01 engineer of National Power Transmission Corporation (EVNNPT).

From left to right: Engineer Le Hoang Nhan - Deputy Director of HCMC Power Dispatch Center received the Ton Duc Thang Award in 2021; Engineer Huynh Ngoc Hoang - Technical officer of Hoc Mon Power Company received the 22nd Ton Duc Thang Award in 2022; Engineer Bui Van Hoang – Director of HCMC Power Transmission received the 21st Ton Duc Thang Award in 2021

Two individuals of EVNHCMC receiving this award include engineer Le Hoang Nhan - Deputy Director of HCMC Power Dispatch Center receiving the 21st Ton Duc Thang Award in 2021 and engineer Huynh Ngoc Hoang - Technical officer of Hoc Mon Power Company received the 22nd Ton Duc Thang Award in 2022.

Engineer Le Hoang Nhan has seven scientific research projects and nine initiatives, benefiting the unit nearly VND 5 billion; being a grassroots emulation fighter for many years, has been awarded the Certificate of Merit from the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT), the Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, is an advanced exemplar in the period 2015 - 2020 of the corporation.

Engineer Huynh Ngoc Hoang with seven initiatives and solutions has helped save costs in the whole corporation by nearly VND 11 billion and more than 9,600 man-hours. In addition, he actively participates in the Young Union's work, enthusiastically in volunteer activities.

Engineer Huynh Ngoc Hoang has won the title of HCMC Typical Young Citizen in 2021; The 12th National Excellent Young Worker in 2021; "Excellent electricity worker in the city named after Uncle Ho" at EVNHCMC level in 2021; Certificate of Merit of Vietnam Electricity (EVN) for individuals with outstanding achievements in implementing the "10 thousand initiatives" program in EVN and many other awards.

Come from the National Power Transmission Corporation, engineer Bui Van Hoang - Director of HCMC Power Transmission received the 21st Ton Duc Thang Award in 2021. From 2016 to now, engineer Bui Van Hoang has been directly implementing or co-authoring 10 technical improvement initiatives, with the benefit value of tens of VND billions, received many Certificates of Merit from the MoIT, the Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises, HCMC People's Committee, EVN and was emulation soldier of the MoIT in 2017.

Ton Duc Thang Award honors engineers and workers with many technical innovations, practical scientific research topics, which are applied to the process of production and business; contribute to promoting the emulation movement of good labor - creative labor in the city's labor force.

  • 19/08/2022 10:58
  • evn.com.vn
  • 132