Directive No. 999/CT-EVN clarifies some key goals and tasks of the Group in its business - customer services (CS) such as: Electronicizing all the process of providing electricity services in 2019; promoting electronic payment and providing level-4 online public service; encouraging development of rooftop solar power; implementing program of demand response (DR), etc.
EVN also targets to improve access-to-electricity index to rank at least 24 per 190 countries and economies in the world (increasing 3 levels compared to the previous year) and maintain its position in Top 4 ASEAN.
EVN continuing to implement solutions for improving quality of electricity services, towards customers’ satisfaction
The whole EVN will continue to apply advanced technology to improve the quality of operation management such as: Hotline repair technology, cleaning porcelain unit without outage, etc. At the same time, it will promote applying information technology into professional activities, barcode/QRcode in business and CS; applying artificial intelligence to customer care.
EVN will continue to expand its provision of electricity services through Customer Care Center (with connection forms of: Switchboard, Website, E-mail, App, Chatbot, etc.) and public administrative centers/online public service portals.
In order to implement DR programs, Power units need to work and agree with key energy users, sign memoranda of agreement on solutions for demand response and saving power to ensure safe and uninterrupted power supply.
Some targets on business - customer services of EVN in 2019:
- Commercial power output: 211.95 billion kWh, increasing by 9.9% compared to 2018.
- Reliability of power supply: Strive to reduce SAIDI ≤ 400 minutes.
- Total power loss rate of the Group: 6.7%, decreasing by 0.13% compared to 2018, striving to reduce to 6.5%.
- Electricity bill collection rate ≥ 99.7%; EVN’s non-cash payment rate for electricity bill ≥ 43.5%.
- Level of power users’ satisfaction is maintained and strived to reach a higher one in 2018.
- Labour productivity increases by over 10%.