500kV circuit-3 transmission line work brings significant meaning, creates motivation, and inspires people, businesses, and entire political system

On the morning of 29 August 2024, in Hung Yen province, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh attended the inauguration ceremony of the 500kV circuit-3 transmission line project from Quang Trach (Quang Binh) to Pho Noi (Hung Yen). We respectfully introduce the Prime Minister's speech at this event.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh attending and speaking at inauguration ceremony of 500kV circuit-3 transmission line project from Quang Trach (Quang Binh) to Pho Noi (Hung Yen)

"Dear Comrade Do Van Chien, Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front!

Dear Comrades of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Prime Ministers!

Dear Central and local leaders at the bridge broadcastings!

Dear compatriots, dear comrades, and delegates!

Today, in the land of Hung Yen, rich in history, culture, and revolution, and 9 bridge broadcastings where the project passes through, we organized the inauguration ceremony of the 500kV circuit-3 transmission line project, from Quang Trach (Quang Binh) to Pho Noi (Hung Yen) - project brings significant meaning to the country's energy security; at the same time, it is a practical achievement to celebrate the 79th anniversary of the August Revolution, National Day September 2 and the 70th anniversary of the Vietnam Power Industry’s Traditional Day.

On behalf of the Government, I would like to send to the delegates, distinguished guests, compatriots, and comrades my warmest greetings, kind regards, and best wishes.

This is large-scale project with total length of 519km, 2 circuits with total investment of more than VND 22,300 billion, passing through 09 provinces, 43 districts, and 211 communes - Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac

Dear comrades and compatriots!

In recent years, our country's socio-economic development has been strong, requiring an average growth rate of 10-12% per year in power sources. At some points, due to the impact of extreme weather, lack of proactive and flexible management, and limited capacity of the transmission system, local power shortages have occurred, such as in the North in early 2023, directly affecting production, business, and people's lives, affecting the attraction and environment of foreign investment.

Learning from this, since June 2023, the Government has issued many resolutions and drastic instructions, requiring ministries, branches, agencies, and enterprises to urgently deploy many synchronous solutions to ensure sufficient power supply for the North during the peak months of 2024 and the following years, and to prevent power shortages under any circumstances. One of the important solutions is to promptly deploy the construction of the 500kV circuit-3 line project from Quang Trach (Quang Binh) to Pho Noi (Hung Yen).

This is a large-scale project with a total length of 519km, 2 circuits with a total investment of more than VND 22,300 billion, passing through 09 provinces, 43 districts, and 211 communes; with 1,177 poles to be constructed (of which the tallest pole is 145m high, weighing 426 tons), 513 anchor intervals; need to use 705 thousand m3 of concrete; 209 thousand tons of iron and steel; must recover about 1.83 million m2 of land, relocate, support, resettle, stabilize production for 5,415 households. With such a large construction volume, the construction time (as you have summarized) must last at least 3 to 4 years to complete, while the urgent target set by the Government to complete the Project within 6 months encountered countless difficulties, challenges, and weather obstacles, many stages seemed impossible to complete.

Dear comrades and compatriots!

 With the direct and drastic direction of the Government, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises, the effective participation of the entire political system, especially the Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations and local authorities, the consensus, trust, support and encouragement of the people, Vietnam Electricity, the National Power Transmission Corporation and contractors have been highly determined, made great efforts, acted resolutely, followed the construction site, worked with the spirit of "overcoming the sun, overcoming the rain, not losing to the storm", "only discussing work, not discussing retreat", "working during the day is not enough, so work at night ", "eating quickly, sleeping urgently", "working continuously 24/7", "3 shifts, 4 crews", "working through Tet, through holidays", standing side by side, overcoming all challenges, "turning nothing into something, turning difficult into easy, turning impossible into possible; completing lightning fast construction of the entire project in more than 6 months, meeting all requirements. Specifically:

(1) The investment preparation and capital source work, the Government closely and resolutely directed ministries and branches to work quickly so that in less than 5 months from the first submission, the investment policy of 4 component projects was approved (normally, a project of similar scale, investment preparation work often takes 2-3 years to complete). The capital source for the entire Project of nearly 1 billion USD was arranged in a feasible, timely, and effective manner, with the participation of commercial banks, ensuring on-schedule payment, creating timely motivation and encouragement for contractors participating in project implementation.

(2) The site clearance work: under the direct direction of the Provincial Party Secretary and the management, administration and active participation of the Provincial People's Committee Chairmen and local authorities, in just under 2 months, localities have completed the handover of all 1,177 pole foundation locations with a total recovered land area of ​​about 1.83 million m2 in 9 provinces; relocated, supported, resettled, and stabilized production for 5,415 households; 96 affected organizations but there were almost no complaints. This is a significant factor in speeding up the construction progress compared to other projects due to the consensus and support of the people.

In site clearance: In just under 2 months, localities complete handover of all 1,177 pole foundation locations with total recovered land area of ​​about 1.83 million m2 in 9 provinces; relocation, support, resettlement, and production stabilization for 5,415 households; 96 affected organizations - Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac

(3) Ensuring input of materials, supplies, and equipment: although always facing the risk of shortage, not ensuring the supply progress for construction because the Project requires a large volume of materials, supplies, and equipment to be provided in a short time, under the direction and drastic support of the Government, ministers, heads of sectors, and local leaders; investors and contractors have applied many synchronous, flexible, and creative solutions to promptly handle arising issues to ensure sufficient input materials; for example, sending people directly to work with foreign equipment and material manufacturers to negotiate, and arrange the import of goods; investors and contractors go to the factory to inspect and urge on-schedule delivery; requiring suppliers to prioritize resources to produce equipment and materials to serve in advance for the national key project, or the Vietnam Railway Corporation and Maritime Transport Corporatio have promptly transported nearly 1,000 containers of imported materials and equipment from other countries to Vietnam to hand over to construction units on schedule and with quality.

(4) The organization and implementation: The project has a very large scale in terms of investment capital, construction volume, and construction sites spanning 9 provinces; simultaneous construction in difficult terrain and weather conditions (It can be said that the beginning of the year (first quarter) is cold and rainy, April, May, June (second quarter) is hot and dry, July and August are rain, wind, flood, landslide; construction is mainly in the Central region, which is likened to "a bag of rain, a pan of fire".); requiring the organization of construction and management on the construction site to be very flexible and creative to ensure the progress set for the project. However, we have implemented simultaneous and parallel construction for many work items with the motto "no foundation waiting for poles, poles not waiting for wires, wires not waiting for people", applying many creative, flexible, and innovative solutions, accordingly:

- During the construction of pole foundations, we have implemented the motto "4 on-site", mobilizing local enterprises to participate in supplying human resources, machinery, means, and materials, thereby speeding up the progress of digging and casting foundations, thereby helping local enterprises grow and gain more capacity and experience to construct large works in the future, creating more jobs and livelihoods for local people and businesses.

- For the work of erecting poles and pulling wires, agencies and units have actively participated, supporting EVN, EVNNPT, and contractors in all aspects. Regarding human resources, power units have mobilized more than 3,300 people to directly erect poles and pull wires; Viettel, VNPT, and PVN corporations supported more than 250 engineers, skilled technical workers, and modern machinery and equipment; the police, army, and militia mobilized more than 1,500 people to participate, contributing thousands of working days to the Project.

- The Youth Union of the provinces mobilized hundreds of teams with more than 6,000 members to support cleaning houses, architectural objects under the line corridor, and traffic divergence. The Fatherland Front, Labor Federation, and Women's Union of the provinces also regularly visited, encouraged, and actively participated in logistics work, ensuring food for engineers and workers participating in the Project. Authorities at all levels and local police forces ensured security, and arranged thoughtful accommodation for workers, making an important contribution to speeding up the Project's progress.

During the construction process at the construction site, many noble actions were reported, portrayed and praised by the press and media with over 5,000 articles, reports, images,etc, which were the support of units, organizations, and people for the project; touching images of thousands of youth union members, police forces, and soldiers drenched in sweat, with muddy hands and feet participating in pulling wires, erecting poles, and other jobs; participating in transporting materials at the construction site; cleaning up houses and architectural objects under the line corridor, traffic diversion, or images of women participating in providing water, food, fruits, and logistics to encourage workers during hot summer days, during rainy, windy, stormy and flooded days; The smiling, excited moments of workers and laborers on the construction site, on the precarious high power poles or the images of climbing mountains, wading through streams to transport materials, pulling wires have created a truly exciting and enthusiastic competitive atmosphere expressing the joy, happiness and pride of the workers participating in the construction site of this important national key project

Dear compatriots, comrades!

Promoting the 70-year heroic revolutionary tradition of the Power industry, the lightning-fast completion of the work volume, the double or triple investment scale, and the complicated, high technical requirements, due to the double-circuit instead of the single-circuit as before, but with only 1/5 of the time of Circuit-1 and Circuit-2 Projects, has demonstrated the maturity, outstanding growth, is a great achievement, an excellent result evaluated and recognized by the Vietnam Electricity, the National Power Transmission Corporation, project management units, contractors, support units on the construction site and more than 12,000 engineers, workers, and laborers in the power industry who have participated in the Project through day and night.

On behalf of the Government, I praise the spirit and determination of Vietnam Electricity, the National Power Transmission Corporation, the leaders of EVN, and EVNNPT, especially the leaders, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and President and CEO of EVN who have always closely followed, directly directed and managed at the construction site; the Project Management Boards, consultants, construction contractors, equipment suppliers and related units have made outstanding efforts to complete and energize the Projects on schedule and ensure quality.

I also acknowledge praise, and highly appreciate the Minister of Industry and Trade, Chairman of the Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises, together with the ministers, heads of sectors, leaders of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and relevant organizations, and Deputy Prime Ministers who have regularly held meetings to review, urge and promptly remove project obstacles.

I also praise the staff, engineers, and workers of the power sector units across the country, the corporations: Viettel, VNPT, PVN, the police force, the local army force, Military Region 3, Military Region 4, the militia and self-defense force who have participated in supporting the power sector for many months to ensure the quality and progress of the project with the spirit of "victory at the launch" spirit.

I praise the youth union members who have promoted their youth, inrush volunteerism, responsibility, and creativity, and participated in supporting the power sector to build and develop the country by the spirit of "wherever needed, there are youth, wherever there is difficulty, there is youth" and the testament of beloved Uncle Ho: "Nothing is difficult/Only fear that the heart is not steadfast/Digging mountains and filling seas/With determination, it can be done".

I acknowledge and express my deep and sincere gratitude to the people of all ethnic groups in the localities who have agreed to support the project, giving up accommodation, places of worship, farming land, production, and business places for the work, and actively participate in supporting logistics and transporting materials for project construction.

I highly appreciate the initiative and responsibility of the Provincial Party Secretaries, Provincial People's Committee Chairmen, and the active participation of the entire political system of the localities where the power line passes through. They have done a good job of mobilizing and persuading people, compensating for site clearance, and doing resettlement to meet the project's progress, without any complicated complaints.

I also praise the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, television and press agencies for developing and implementing communication, mobilization, information, and propaganda, contributing to creating favorable conditions for the implementation of the Project; conveying beautiful images of cadres, engineers, and workers on the construction site to encourage, motivate, create motivation, and inspire enthusiasm for work on the construction site, further beautify the tradition and noble image of the Power industry and cadres, workers, engineers, and laborers in the Power industry.

500kV Circuit-3 transmision line through Thanh Hoa province - Photo: VGP/Duc Tuan

Dear comrades and compatriots!

Quang Trach - Pho Noi 500kV circuit-3 transmission line work being put into operation brings particularly important meaning in many aspects of the economy, politics, society, security-defense:

- The work brings strategic significance in contributing to ensuring national energy security, contributing to overcoming local power shortages in the North (supplementing about 30 billion kWh of electricity each year).

- The work of faith and strength of unity, the viewpoint of "People are the root" of our Party and State, the unity, consensus, and participation of the entire political system under the leadership of the Party.

- The work brings meaning to enterprises and foreign investors in ensuring power supply, especially in high-tech fields, believing in the determination of the Vietnamese side "said and done, committed to doing, done with specific, measurable results ".

- The work demonstrates the aspiration, confidence, bravery, and values ​​of the Vietnamese people, with the spirit of " turning nothing into something, turning difficult into easy, turning impossible into possible", the spirit of innovation, creativity, and self-reliance, of the strong determination to overcome of our country.

- The work has the meaning of connecting the economy, linking regional connections; widespread, and synchronous connections, and improving the efficiency of exploiting national power transmission systems.

- The work brings meaning to promoting responsibility, and patriotism with outstanding efforts, proactiveness, positivity, creativity, determination, and work tirelessly on related subjects.

Dear comrades and compatriots!

"Resources originate from thinking, vision, motivation originates from innovation and creativity, strength originates from people and enterprises", This project has brought many lessons in managing and organizing the implementation of large projects and works that can be applied to the following projects and works. That is:

First, lessons on management, leadership, operation, direction, and command with The ideology must be clear, the determination must be high, the effort must be high, the action must be decisive, focused, key points, each task must be completed; the assignment must be clear to the person, the task, the responsibility, the time, the product, the result, easy to check, urge, and evaluate.

Second, the promotion of strong national solidarity, mobilization of the entire political system from the central to local levels, within the industry and outside the industry, the military, the police, the Fatherland Front, mass organizations, enterprises, and especially the people with the spirit of "unanimous from top to bottom, clear from top to bottom", "one call, a hundred responses ".

Third, the relentless efforts, proactiveness, and courage of the power industry and the close and effective coordination of corporations, state-owned corporations, enterprises at both the central and local levels, state-owned enterprises with private enterprises with the spirit of "sharing, understanding, working together, enjoying together, winning together and developing together, having joy, happiness, and pride together".

Fourth, building and launching a vibrant patriotic emulation movement, arousing national pride, promptly encouraging and rewarding, and creating an enthusiastic working atmosphere, all for the benefit of the nation and people; the press and media agencies have made efforts and done a good job of propaganda, portraying good people and good deeds on construction sites and projects, mobilizing people, creating consensus and unanimity to implement the Project.

From the actual implementation and continue to summarize to draw valuable lessons from this project to apply to key national projects on highways, airports, ports, high-speed railways, urban railways, strategic infrastructure projects, etc, in controlling and accelerating progress from the stage of investment preparation, capital sources, site clearance to the stage of implementing construction and mobilizing participating resources, etc, to minimize the completion time of the project while still ensuring the quality of the work in terms of engineering, aesthetics, safety, environmental sanitation and not increasing the budget.

Ceremony of affixing name board on occasion of 95th anniversary of founding of the Vietnam Trade Union and 70th anniversary of the Vietnam Power Industry’s Traditional Day - Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac

Dear comrades and compatriots!

After this inauguration ceremony, I request that Vietnam Electricity, the National Power Transmission Corporation in coordination with local agencies carry out a good job of environmental restoration and sanitation; organize the safest and most effective operation of the 500kV circuit-3 transmission line  Project and the entire national power system; at the same time, continue to invest in developing power sources and grid systems, ensuring adequate and stable power supply for socio-economic development; actively participate in ensuring social security and stabilizing people's lives; continue to settle and audit to ensure publicity and transparency, and prevent negativity, waste and corruption.

I request that the authorities of the 9 provinces where the Project passes through in coordination with the investor continue to pay attention and care to stabilize, continuously improve, and improve the material and spiritual life of the people affected in the area where the Project passes through by the spirit that the new accommodation, workplace, or business must be at least equal to and substantially better than the old accommodation. The immediate priority is to take care of long-term, sustainable livelihoods for people and change to suitable careers; resolutely not to let people lack accommodation, food, clothing, production land, and places to do business; gradually better meet the material, spiritual, security, and cultural needs; take care of education and training for the young generation, to move towards integration and enrichment.

Dear comrades and compatriots!

The spirit of speed, " victory at the launch" of the 500kV circuit-3 Project has created motivation and inspiration for people, businesses, and the entire political system in implementing important national projects and works, continuing the development of the country's infrastructure, contributing to the successful implementation of the strategic breakthrough in strategic infrastructure development set forth by the 11th, 12th, and 13th Party Congresses, contributing to the completion of the two targets of building and defending the socialist Fatherland, towards welcoming the Party Congresses at all levels and the 14th National Party Congress.

Wishing all delegates, comrades, and compatriots good health, happiness, and success.

Thank you very much!"

  • 29/08/2024 03:39
  • Translator: Hải Yến
  • 183