Affixing nameplate for youth projects at Central Enterprise Block level at Son La 500kV substation

On 18 May, in Son La, the Youth Union of the Vietnam Electricity (EVN) and the Youth Union of the National Power Transmission Corporation (EVNNPT) held a ceremony to affix the nameplate for the youth project at the Central Enterprise Bloc level for the project "Construction, supervision, acceptance of the overhaul and repair of 500kV isolator system of Son La 500kV substation".

The project is invested by Power Transmission Company No. 1 and assigned to the Youth Union of Northwest Power Transmission No. 2 to organize the construction, supervision and acceptance; National Power Transmission Services Company (NPTS) performed the testing and calibration part. The project's total cost is more than VND 2 billion, constructed from 4 March 2022 to 29 March 2022.

After being completed, the work contributes to anti-heat generation; improves the reliability and safety of power supply; meeting the demand for capacity release for major hydropower plants such as Son La, Lai Chau, Huoi Quang - Ban Chat, Nam Chien, and small hydropower plants in the region.

The completed work also contributes to meeting the practical requirements of ensuring the safe and continuous operation of the station, improving the skills of staff, mastering the equipment, and at the same time contributing to fulfilling the political tasks of Northwest Power Transmission Company No. 2 as well as of Power Transmission Company No. 1.

Some photos at the signing ceremony:

Delegates perform the affixing nameplate ceremony for the project

On the occasion of Workers' Month, the Youth Union of EVN, EVNNPT gives gifts to the workers on duty at Son La 500kV substation

Secretary of the Youth Union of EVN Nguyen Le Nguyen presented the Certificate of Merit from the Youth Union of Central Enterprise Bloc to the collective that successfully completed the emulation in undertaking the youth project

Secretary of Youth Union of EVN Nguyen Le Nguyen presents the Certificate of Merit from the Youth Union of Central Enterprise Bloc to the collective that successfully completed the emulation in undertaking the youth project

Overview of Son La 500kV substation

  • 18/05/2022 02:58
  • 262