Both Units of Nghi Son 1 Thermal Power Plant generate power at maximum

After completing the repair work, from today (June 13), unit 1 of Nghi Son 1 Thermal Power Plant (under Power Generation Corporation 1) has returned to operation, contributing an additional 7 million kWh daily to the Northern power grid. Thus, Nghi Son 1 Thermal Power Plant is mobilized to operate both units.

Unit 1 of Nghi Son Thermal Power Plant suffered a failure and had to stop operating on June 5, 2023. In the past few days, Nghi Son Thermal Power Company has focused all of the factory's manpower and ancillary service units outside to carry out the repair work.

Nghi Son 1 Thermal Power Plant (Thanh Hoa province) operating both units, generating power to the grid with a maximum output of 14 million kWh daily.

Thus, Nghi Son 1 Thermal Power Plant is being mobilized to operate 2 units, generating power to the grid with a maximum output of 14 million kWh per day, reducing the pressure on the power supply for the North. Besides, the coal fuel source for electricity production is also being ensured.

In order to operate safely and reliably in the time to come, Nghi Son Thermal Power Company is implementing a series of solutions, including continuous monitoring and supervision of the working status of key equipment; assuring backup devices to be always ready to work. In addition, the company also prepares materials, equipment, and human resources to handle and fix equipment incidents and defects; ensure enough coal and oil fuel for the units in production unit in the following months so as to complete the plan in 2023

The company also implemented solutions to save electricity at the plant and the dormitory, encouraging employees to propagate their families and relatives to save electricity.

Nghi Son 1 Thermal Power Plant was built in Hai Ha and Hai Thuong communes, Nghi Son township, Thanh Hoa province. The plant consists of 2 units, with a total installed capacity of 600MW (2 x 300MW), and a designed annual power output of 3.6 billion kWh. The plant uses traditional steam condensing technology, sub-critical pressure, and coal consumption of about 1.6 million tons per year.

  • 13/06/2023 03:57
  • 259