Completion of 220 kV Transformer Installation Project at 500 kV Thong Tin Substation

Power Transmission Company No.1 (PTC1) recently collaborated with the relating units to successfully energize the five 110 kV feeders of the 220kV transformer installation project at the 500 kV Thuong Tin substation, completed phase 2 of the project and was ready for supply power for the 110 kV lines of the Hanoi Power Corporation.

This was the energy project of Grade I, group B and had a total investment of over VND 254 billion. The project is owned by the National Power Transmission Corporation (EVNNPT) and managed by the PTC1 on behalf of EVNNPT.

The project was divided into 2 phases: phase 1 was completed and energized in May 2013.  

Phase 2 included the expansion of the substation area up to 16,594 m2 to make the new 110 kV switchyard and install eight 110 kV feeders, of which five feeders were equipped with the primary and secondary newly procured equipment, three feeders were equipped with the primary equipment removed from phase 1 to be installed at the new location. The PTC 1 finished relocation of the three feeders and successfully energized them on Dec 12, 2015; the five remaining feeders were accepted and energized on August 16, 2016.

Being completed and put in operation, the project would utilize power from the thermal power plants of the North-eastern region, supply   power for the loads in the southern area of Hanoi city and the surrounding areas; meet the increasing power demand in the past years of the Hanoi city, contributing to improving the stability and ensure the safe and reliable operation of the Northern power grid.