Cooperating to ensure coal supply for power generation, especially in the hot months in 2023

On May 9, EVN’s President and CEO Tran Dinh Nhan and the EVN delegation worked with the leadership of Vietnam Coal and Mineral Industries Group (Vinacomin) in Hanoi, the leadership of Northeast Corporation in Quang Ninh. How to coordinate to ensure coal supply for power generation, especially in the hot months in 2023, is the main subject of the agenda.

Power generation corporations under EVN signed coal supply agreements for electricity production in 2023 with Vinacomin and Northeast Corporation. The total volume of coal being contracted with Vinacomin is 17.98 million tons, with Northeastern Corporation 7.05 million tons. Most are imported blended coal.

According to EVN’s Vice President Ngo Son Hai, in general, the coal supply situation in the first quarter of 2023 was basically in line with the contracted volume, but yet to meet the actual requirements of the power system. The efforts of Vinacomin and Northeast Corporation in coal supply have made an important contribution to EVN’s electricity generation and supply to serve economic development and people's lives. Total electricity production from coal in the first 4 months of 2023 reached 40.06 billion kWh (accounting for 46.53% of the total electricity production and import of the whole system), lower than the target indicated in the plan of power supply and national power system operation in 2023 issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

According to the EVN's leader, currently, although just entered the peak period of the dry season, the power supply situation of the system is worrisome. Hydrological developments are not favorable, water inflow to hydropower reservoirs is lower than predicted. To ensure power supply, the system has to dispatch all generation sources, including high-priced operating sources (such as DO, and FO oil-fired plants), many hydropower plants are exploited to very low water levels, and even some reservoirs are close to their minimum operating levels.

Leaders of EVN and Vinacomin working on morning of May 9 in Hanoi

According to the updated plan, in the months of May, June, and July, the dispatched output of coal-fired power plants is expected to remain at a high level. Specifically, the total expected output of EVN's thermal power plants using anthracite coal in these three months will be 14.77 billion kWh, corresponding to a coal demand of 7.17 million tons. However, the total volume under the contracts signed with Vinacomin and Northeast Corporation is only 6.59 million tons. EVN requests Vinacomin and Northeast Corporation to supply coal in accordance with the signed contracts, at the same time seek solutions to supplement the coal amount supplied for power generation according to the dispatching requirements of the system in the coming months. In particular, EVN proposes that Vinacomin and Northeast Corporation reduce the amount supplied to household customers, and increase the amount supplied for power generation in the second quarter. Household customers will be compensated in the last months of the year. EVN also asks Vinacomin and Northeast Corporation to share their financial difficulties to consider adjusting coal prices.

Leaders of EVN and Northeast Corporation working on afternoon of May 9 in Quang Ninh

On the side of Vinacomin, Mr. Dang Thanh Hai - General Director affirmed that Vinacomin will make every effort to ensure sufficient coal supply for power generation.

Mr. Tran Dinh Nhan – President and CEO of EVN hopes that in the dry season months of 2023, Vinacomin and Northeast Corporation will ensure sufficient coal supply for electricity generation to serve the country's economic development and people's daily life.

  • 09/05/2023 05:17
  • 927