Digital transformation to make electricity services become customer journeys

That is the sharing of Mr. Vo Quang Lam – Vice President of Vietnam Electricity at the morning discussion session of the 3rd National Forum on the Development of  Vietnamese Digital Enterprises on the topic of Digital Transformation - the driving force for economic recovery and development, held on 11 December 2021.

Accelerating the digital transformation roadmap

Participating in a discussion on the topic of digital technology in management and development of the energy area, Mr. Vo Quang Lam – Vice President of EVN stated that in 2020, in the meeting with Vietnam Electricity, Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Manh Hung has requested the Group to shorten the digital transformation duration from 5 years to 2 years. Following the direction of the Minister, over the past time, EVN has implemented digital transformation in all areas of operation, with the goal of basically completing the digital transformation by 2022 and becoming a digital enterprise by 2025.

Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Manh Hung shared about the digital transformation at the forum

Currently, EVN is supplying electricity to 29.5 million customers, of which 50% of customers have electronic meters installed for remote data reading. Since 2012, EVN has used e-invoices and now the Group issues nearly 400 million e-invoices every year.

Impressive figures on the development of Vietnam's electricity industry in the ASEAN region:

- Ranked first in terms of transmission lines and installed capacity

- Top 2 in terms of power sales

- Top 4 in terms of power loss and getting electricity index;

- Top 5 in terms of power supply reliability and labor productivity.

EVN has provided electricity services equivalent to level 4 public services. In particular, since 2019 when the National Public Service Portal came into operation, EVN has delivered 12 electricity services on the Portal. By the end of November 2021, 55% of transactions of people and businesses on the National Public Service Portal are for services of the electricity industry.

In order to facilitate customers’ electricity bill payments anytime, anywhere, EVN has connected with 14 banks and more than 40 intermediary organizations. EVN has applied AI technology in customer care - Chatbot.

It is expected that from January 1, 2022, EVN will integrate electricity services into the national database on population and connect e-invoices with the General Department of Taxation.

EVN’s Vice President Vo Quang Lam gave a presentation on the topic "Digital technology in management and development of energy area"

EVN's goal is to make the provision of electricity services a journey of customer experience. Within EVN, an experience ecosystem will be established for employees, so that the digital transformation can be done faster, can be shared and connected with other businesses and units in a sharing economy. 

Comprehensive digital transformation in all areas

In parallel with business and customer service, EVN has strongly applied digital technologies and technologies of the fourth industrial revolution to monitor and control the power generation and power grid system with scale ranked in the top ASEAN. Up to now, the total number of power plants and substations having SCADA/EMS signals has accounted for 95.27%; in which 478/515 power plants are automatically connected to load dispatch centers; 94.3% of 110kV substations and 75% of 220kV substations are unmanned and remotely controlled.

Delegates discussed at the forum about difficulties, challenges and solutions to effectively implement digital transformation in enterprises.

Especially, with the massive development of renewable energy sources in recent years (currently Vietnam is in the top 10 in the world in terms of renewable energy capacity), EVN has robustly applied new technologies to manage, operate this energy source. To control renewable energy power plants, EVN has built an  AGC (Automatic Generation Control) tool to automate the process of commanding generating capacity of renewable energy power plants in grid congestion areas. As for rooftop PV systems, the Group has been studying the application of Blockchain technology so that investors can conduct direct electricity trading with each other, not through EVN; applying AI technology to analyze the stability and generating capacity of renewable energy sources.

In construction and investment activities, EVN has applied electronic project diary and digital signature in project management; adopting AI technology in image analysis to identify images in the construction process; digitizing the management of equipment procurement; deploying a camera surveillance system to supervise personnel on the construction site and contractors' equipment entering and leaving the construction site, etc. Especially, EVN is leading the country in online bidding.

In the field of administration, 100% of outgoing/incoming documents in EVN have been managed on the Digital Office system and connected to the national document interconnection axis; a mobile app has been developed on the Polycom platform, ensuring to provide functions for remote meetings, integrating with video conferencing rooms at EVN and its member organizations; EVNPortal portal has been built and put into operation to serve the management of data reports and information exchange.

With the aim of completing digital infrastructure, deploying digital technology and digital platforms, at the same time perfecting digital applications, upgrading information security, and comprehensively responding to digital transformation, EVN has been setting up EVN's Cloud system under the Private Cloud model. It is expected that in 2022, it will start providing laaS services.

In parallel, EVN has built a mechanism for the business community to share and connect data; promoting the operation of the Vietnamese open source community for businesses to exploit.

  • 11/12/2021 06:20
  • 635