Discussing on E-learning at EVN: Trends and benefits

Applying E-leaning in human resource training is the sustainable development trend for companies, groups during integration process. As a specific technical sector, what are opportunities and challenges that Vietnam Electricity faces when applying a training form in the digital technology era?

According to statistics conducted in the United States, 77% of companies use e-learning, 80% of employees used to apply E-leaning to improve their knowledge. Vietnam is the country with a highest growth rate of E-leaning application in Asia (accounting for 40% as reported by Dobeco E-Learning Management System), at the same time, there are more than 100 units are exploiting the online education market.

Developing E-learning within EVN

EVN has a large number of officers and employees, uses a variety of modern technical equipment arranged throughout the country. The Power sector is characterized by high content of science and technology, so the traditional training will face many difficulties such as: prolonged training time, high training costs, affecting the performance of people assigned to be trained as well as departments with personnel involved. Appropriate use of E-leaning is the best option for EVN's training standardization process.

There will be many benefits gained    once applying E-leaning. Through E-learning, the Leadership board of EVN will understand about the "comprehensive picture" of training human resources, the internal capacity, determine the knowledge strength in the Group. Through E-leaning, EVN is fully able to determine the effective level of ROI (return on investment, used for evaluating the effective training of employees) for training investment?

It is easy for the training management department and functional offices, departments to manage the training level and content of their staffs, thereby work is determined and properly assigned. For staffs, they can identify essential contents for training when they want to improve their position, gain more specialized knowledge. Hence, they can actively arrange reasonable learning time, possibly in the evening, weekends, etc., without affecting daily works.

In order to be able to effectively apply e-learning within the Group, attention should be paid to three issues: Technology systems; Leanring Content; Operating method.

A learning management system (LMS): The technology system should be sufficiently strong, fully meeting learning materials and user management processes. Additionally, specific reports should be prepared for the system with the ability to exchange information with other management systems.

Training content: The content  can be collected from various sources such as internal one, training centers, foreign training units; Different types of training are available such as VOD course (video on demand - which is recorded), real-time  courses (learning by real time), blended and flipped learning courses, offline courses, on-job training courses, etc.

Operating method: Based on the LMS system’s strength, EVN should develop learning "matrix" for staffs. Types of training should be determined, depending on urgency levels, the funding capacity should be determined to decide to use newly-developed contents, purchase or pay charges by using turn, etc.

For each phase, it is necessary to closely combine the online and the offline training forms.

Plan for implementation of e-learning of EVN:

July 2018:

- Testing E-leaning software; developing 15 pilot E-leaning lectures at all levels by each field.

- Each corporation develops 15 E-leaning lectures.

- Units: Son La Hydropower Company, National Load Dispatch Center, Electric Telecommunications and Information Technology Company develop lectures on specific contents related to their operating field and the situation of the unit.

November 2018:

- Organizers & Human resources, Telecommunications & IT summarize, review and summarize experiences learned from E-learning lectures.

  • 22/04/2018 04:55
  • evn.com.vn
  • 1206