EVN General Director Tran Dinh Nhan: To effectively cooperate in Vietnam - Laos electricity, appropriate mechanisms and policies are needed

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Vietnam-Laos relationships, Times magazine interviewed General Director of Vietnam Electricity (EVN) Tran Dinh Nhan about the future of cooperation in the electricity field between EVN and Laos power sector.

Could you tell us about the results of your recent visit to Laos with the Minister of Industry and Trade, Sir?

The two countries' industry and trade together reviewed their achievements, difficulties and problems that need to be resolved to further boost import and export turnover between the two countries.

Particularly in the electricity import and export field, the two countries reviewed the things that have been done, the things that need to be continued, the difficulties and obstacles that need to be removed to achieve the electricity import commitment from Laos to Vietnam will reach at least 3000MW by 2025 and 5000MW by 2030 as committed between the two Governments.

Does Vietnam cooperate on electricity with some countries, what is the difference in cooperation between Vietnam and Laos, Sir?

The cooperation between two countries in the electricity field is usually the electricity purchase between two power systems. However, in the current cooperation relationship between Vietnam and Laos in the electricity field, it is the direct import of electricity generated from power plants invested and built in Laos to sell electricity to the EVN grid. Therefore, the relationship between the buyer and the seller under the power purchase agreement needs strong support from the two Governments. The electricity generation potential of Lao PDR is very abundant, from hydropower and thermal power to other forms of renewable energy but needs an appropriate policy mechanism attractive enough for investors, strong enough to open up all investment resources in power plants that sell electricity to Vietnam.

In the future, in your opinion, to be the most effective cooperation, which specific areas should the power industries of the two countries should focus on?

The immediate necessity is that the two countries need to develop an appropriate policy mechanism, sufficient to encourage and mobilize resources to invest in the construction of power plants that sell electricity to Vietnam, and at the same time build an appropriate legal framework so that EVN can be assured to buy electricity from Laos. Then there is the planning issue so that the power investment in Laos needs to be synchronized with the investment in the Vietnamese power grid, ensuring investment efficiency for both countries.

For the effective coordination of electricity development, regarding the current policy mechanism, are there any bottlenecks that need to be removed, Sir?

The electricity price framework for hydropower, thermal power and wind power imported from Laos to Vietnam will expire at the end of 2025. Therefore, an appropriate electricity price mechanism, an electricity price calculation method as well a power purchase agreement sample needs to be issued by the competent authority to promptly promote the investment in power plants that sell electricity to Vietnam.

What do you expect from the potential for cooperation in the electricity field between Vietnam and Laos?

The development potential of power projects in Laos is very large. Therefore, if there is an appropriate policy mechanism between the two countries, it will certainly promote the potential to achieve the goals committed by the two Governments.

Sincerely thank you, Sir!

  • 26/04/2022 06:12
  • evn.com.vn
  • 299