EVN: Innovation and creativity in training and development of human resources

Human resource training is regular and continuous work that requires innovation and creativity. Intending to become a sustainable business, Vietnam Electricity (EVN) builds an image of an organization with a learning culture, especially in the current digital era. A series of prioritized tasks in human resource training and development in the period of 2021 - 2025 have been specified by EVN's leaders.

The training and development of the human resources Review Conference in the period of 2016-2020, the plan for the period 2021-2025 of the Vietnam Electricity was held on 10 June 2022, in Ba Ria - Vung Tau.

Building a culture of learning

Mr. Duong Quang Thanh - Chairman of EVN's Member Council praised the staff and employees doing training at EVN for their achievements in recent years.

The training of human resources of EVN has achieved many encouraging results. According to Mr. Duong Quang Thanh - Chairman of EVN's Member Council, EVN's human resources have access to advanced technology and management level in the world. Some forms of training that EVN has promoted in recent years, such as: implementing E-Learning online training; cooperating with domestic and foreign partners to organize training courses for engineers and managers with high efficiency,...

 Mr. Tran Dinh Nhan - General Director of EVN emphasized that training needs to meet the needs of learners

EVN needs to professionalize its management system for training and developing human resources; research to build digital training centers, and upgrade E-Learning software into digital training centers. 

Chairman of EVN's Member Council awarded the Certificate of Merit from the Committee for Management of State Capital at Enterprises to collectives with outstanding achievements in training and development of human resources in the 2016-2020 period.

Raise awareness and vision in training

EVN General Director Tran Dinh Nhan presents the Certificate of Merit from the Committee for Management of State Capital at Enterprises to EVN's individuals with outstanding achievements in training and human resource development in the 2016-2020 period.

The General Director of EVN also required the units to conduct pre-and post-training assessments to see the results of that training course; training programs should follow the tasks in the EVN Development Strategy approved by the Prime Minister. In the current context, it is necessary to focus on training contents related to energy conversion, operation experience for power systems, power market, digital transformation, smart grid, business and customer service, and power market. In particular, the Organization and Personnel Department of EVN and other units need to innovate training, apply new technologies for training, and continue to promote the effectiveness of E-Learning... 

General objectives of EVN's human resource training program for the period 2021-2025:

Standardization: continuing to standardize capacity to build a foundation to improve the level of human resources of EVN, focusing on building high-quality human resources.

Digitization: promoting the application of new science and technology in training, building a modern learning environment to support promoting a culture of active learning throughout EVN, and improving the efficiency of training costs.

Building knowledge assets: Building a system of knowledge assets, turning knowledge and personal experiences into assets of enterprises for regular training and retraining, gradually popularizing expert knowledge into general knowledge, to improve the quality of human resources.

  • 10/06/2022 05:55
  • evn.com.vn
  • 244