Mr. Tatsuya Terasawa exchanged with EVN President and CEO Dang Hoang An on acceleration of procedures on ODA funding pledged by Japan to Vietnam. In addition, Japan would support Vietnam in developing coal-fired thermal and gas turbine power plants, as well as tranining human resources in the power sector, etc.
EVN President and CEO Dang Hoang An expressed his profound gratitude to the Japan Government and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan for their utmost supports extended to the development of the power sector in Vietnam during the past time.
EVN President and CEO Dang Hoang An meeting with Mr. Tatsuya Terasawa - Director-General of Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau of Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
EVN President and CEO said that EVN has received ODA packages totaled ¥3 billion from Japan. This amount has been utilized for investments in power generation and transmission projects, which then contributed to ensure power supply for the socio-economic development of Vietnam. EVN expressed its desire to continuously receive the attention and support from the Government of Japan as well the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, and financial institutions in Japan.
At the end of the meeting, both parties deliberately discussed about issues related to Japan ODA loans and selection of advanced, environment-friendly technology for thermal power projects in Vietnam in the upcoming time.