EVN Youth has 4 projects honored with 'Innovation, creation and development of enterprises'

On 7th December 2021, in Hanoi, the Youth Union of Central Enterprise Sector (YUCES) held the launching ceremony of emulation to undertake the youth project to welcome the 4th Congress of Youth Union of Central Enterprise Sector, the 12th National Congress of the Youth Union for the term 2022-2027 and granted Award named "Innovation, Creation and Development of Enterprises" – the 2nd in 2021. In which, the Youth Union of Electricity of Vietnam has 4 works honored.

Specifically, the project "Flying equipment to handle kites and tarpaulins entangled on power transmission lines (fire dragon 2)" of the Youth Union of Power Transmission Company 2 (National Power Transmission Corporation) is a typical outstanding work.

3 typical creative projects and themes belong to the Youth Union of Thai Binh Thermal Power Company, including: Monitoring the operating time of the engines in the fuel area; Solution to prevent and separate coal-water in the Jetty1-Jetty6 and TT7 stagnation hole at the coal loading and unloading wharf, ensuring equipment safety, landscape and environmental safety; Solution to prevent reverse infiltration of moisture for air compressor systems.

The award is aimed at seeking excellent initiatives, themes, information technology software and innovative products. The award has been and is expected to become a bridge, helping the ideas, initiatives, research projects and scientific passions of the youth of the Central Enterprise Sector to be applied in reality, thereby contributing to promoting the sustainable development of the business.

Some photos of the awarding ceremony:

Representative of the Youth Union of Power Transmission Company 2 receiving the award at the conference room in Ho Chi Minh City

Representative of the Youth Union of Thai Binh Thermopower Company (7th from the right) receiving the award at Hanoi conference room

Representative of the Youth Union of Thai Binh Thermopower Company (4th and 5th from right) receiving the award at Hanoi conference room

  • 07/12/2021 02:55
  • evn.com.vn
  • 229