EVN actively participating in digital revolution

As a key state-owned enterprise, EVN has proactively participating in the "revolution" of digital transformation in a comprehensive way with its high determination.

Digital transformation - The inevitable trend of the times

At the Summit on Information and Communication technologies (Vietnam ICT Summit 2019), Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam said that digital transformation is an opportunity for Vietnam. The core of digital transformation is the application of Information Technologies to create greater added values for each enterprise, higher efficiency for each organization and better opportunities for each citizen.

Participating at the Talk-show of "Breakthrough solutions to accelerate the progress of digital transformation – Developing ICT infrastructure and platform technologies" at ICT Summit 2019, EVN’s Deputy General Director Vo Quang Lam said EVN has actively applied IT to its administration, production, business activities and customer services at a very early stage.

Since 20 years ago, EVN has been one of the pioneers in deploying electronic offices (E-Office). Up to now, all the EVN's units have used the E-Office system to handle their works. EVN has also applied digital signature to its documents. EVN not only “spreads out” technologies but also perform digital transformation in depth with great efforts to change technology habits and the way its employees perform their works. Currently, 95% of documents transferred within the Group are circulated electronically.

Vietnam Information and Communication Technologies Summit 2019

Contributing to creating a digital economy

The digital transformation has not only been successfully implemented by EVN within the whole Group, but also created a positive spreading effect in the society. Especially, in 2013, in the sector of business - customer services, EVN was the first unit in the country to issue electronic invoices in large scale. The issuance of e-invoices not only drastically changed the operations of electricity business, but also contributed to paving the way for online electronic payment methods and electronic transactions between EVN and its customers.

Since 2013, EVN has been providing power services equivalent to online public services at Level 1. By 2018, EVN's power services were equivalent to public services at Level 4 - the highest level. Customers' transactions with EVN, from the first step (service request) to contracting and payment, are performed online based on technology platforms. In 2019, EVN sets the target of providing power services to its customers in the form of electronic transactions.

In recent years, the diversification of electricity bill payment channels has also been strongly implemented by EVN, including online payment through automatic debt deduction, internet banking, mobile banking, electronic wallets, etc. It can be said that EVN has made breakthroughs in applying modern technologies to take care their customers. At the customer service centers of Power sector, EVN not only receives requests and provides consultancy through telephone channels, but also diversifies methods of customer services via websites, e-mail, webchat, fanpage, application of customer care on mobile devices, etc. Particularly, EVN has successfully applied chatbot - using artificial intelligence (AI) to provide consultancy to its customers.

Actual results show that the digital transformation with right direction has created a great boost for EVN, providing maximum utility services to power users. The level of customer satisfaction with the Power sector is increasing day by day. The quality of power services is positively assessed by international organizations. In 2018, Vietnam's access-to-electricity index was ranked at 27/190 countries and economies in the world and ranked in the top 4 of ASEAN by Doing Business - World Bank.

Currently, EVN is focusing on implementing the Project of Research, development and application of 4.0 Industry revolution technologies for its production and business activities. EVN has determined and strived to become a digital enterprise based on the application of digital technology, information technology and technologies of Industry Revolution 4.0 to its operation fields, making EVN a strong group with a sustainable and effective development; becoming a leading Group in the region.

Comprehensive digital transformation at EVN:

- Business administration: Deploying the Enterprise Resource Management (ERP) system, HRMS Human Resource Management Software, Electronic Office System (E-Office), etc.

- Power dispatching system, administration of power market transactions: Deploying SCADA/EMS system, GIS geographic information system, energy management system, etc.

- Transmission: computer-controlled systems are installed for 80% of transformer stations and all the protection devices are installed with digital relays.

- Power generation: Deploying DCS control system in power plants, EVNHES system, power source software, etc.

- Business and customer care: Providing power services equivalent to public service at Level 4 since 2018; deploying CMIS system, remote data measurement system, developing remote control centers and unmanned transformer station, etc.

- IT infrastructure: WAN network has been connected to the whole Group; data center system; virtualization technology.

  • 17/09/2019 03:31
  • evn.com.vn
  • 542