EVN and China Southern Power Grid hold a workshop on digital transformation

On 23 December 2021, Mr. Duong Quang Thanh - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Vietnam Electricity (EVN) and Mr. Meng Zhenping -  Chairman of China Southern Power Grid (CSG) co-chaired a webinar on "Organizational restructuring - Digital transformation in corporate governance".

The two groups have signed a strategic cooperation agreement since 2013. In addition, the two parties have signed a Memorandum of Understanding at the Power Sector Summit of China, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam since 2014; a Memorandum of Understanding on enhancing exchanges and cooperation between the power sectors of six countries Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam since 2017. The above agreements and memorandums of understanding have brought about certain positive results on electricity trading, investment cooperation in Vinh Tan 1 BOT Thermal Power Plant project, technical exchanges, training activities, etc.

EVN in coordination with CSG has organized this workshop to exchange and learn from CSG's experiences in many fields, especially in organizational restructuring and digital transformation in corporate governance.

The endpoint at EVN headquarters (Hanoi)

Chairman of CSG Mr. Meng Zhenping emphasized that the two groups are strategic partners of each other, given a good cooperation relationship lasting nearly 20 years.

The leader of CSG proposed that the two parties should keep on cooperating more closely in three aspects, including: resuming discussions on DC grid connection, expanding the scale of grid connection, enabling cooperation in the energy infrastructure area between the two countries to reach a new breakthrough;  utilizing advantages in the field of developing pumped storage hydropower, new energy sources, contributing to the development of clean energy in Vietnam; maintaining a high-level communication and exchange scheme, enhancing cooperation in fields such as grid engineering, science and technology innovation, corporate governance, digital transformation and human resource training.

At the workshop, the delegates listened to CSG experts' presentations on "The process of state-owned enterprise restructuring in CSG"; “CSG's digital transformation progress.” On the side of EVN, Mr. Tran Viet Anh, Director of the Organization and Human Resources Department of EVN gave a presentation on "EVN's restructuring and digital transformation process, current status and development orientation".

Also within the framework of the workshop, a high-level discussion was held between the Chairman of EVN's Board of Directors and the Chairman of CSG. Embracing the targets set out at the beginning of the workshop, EVN’s Chairman Duong Quang Thanh proposed four areas of cooperation between EVN and CSG in the coming time, including: study cooperation in the construction and operation of power grid; study of power system operation in the context of increasing integration of renewable energy sources; study cooperation in the field of digital transformation on corporate governance; and negotiating and signing power purchase agreements for the period 2022 - 2023. With these 4 areas, in the coming time, EVN and CSG will dispatch personnel to conduct in-depth discussions and studies, and jointly come up with specific cooperation approaches.

  • 03/12/2021 08:58
  • evn.com.vn
  • 673