EVN and TKV have a meeting to agree on a plan to ensure coal supply for power production in 2022

On 4th December 2021, in Hanoi, Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) organized a meeting with Vietnam Coal and Mineral Industries Group (TKV) on the situation of coal supply for power production in 2021 and prepare a coal supply plan for EVN's thermal power plant in 2022.

The meeting between EVN and TKV on December 4, 2021

Mr. Le Minh Chuan - Chairman of the Member Board of TKV speaking at the meeting

According to EVN's assessment, the coal supply situation of TKV in 2021 is relatively stable, meeting the operating needs of EVN's thermal power plants. However, since TKV provided mixed coal, the coal quality is often uneven (affecting the stable combustion mode of boilers, increasing the heat loss) and has many different specifications compared to the domestic one of the same type and is not fully compatible with the design range of power plants such as: moisture, hydrogen (decreases boiler efficiency, increases the heat loss), evaporator, iron oxide content, slag melting temperature. The coordination between EVN's thermal power plants and TKV's coal suppliers still needs to improve efficiency to monitor and adjust the quality of supplied coal in a timely manner.

Ready to supply coal for power production in 2022

To ensure coal for power production in 2022, EVN's units have negotiated with TKV a coal supply contract from October 2021. Total expected coal volume of plants signed with TKV is 18.08 million tons, lower than the volume of signed long-term coal contracts by plants at 1.12 million tons.

To ensure the best coal supply for power production in 2022, EVN proposed together with Vinacomin to supplement binding terms with criteria directly affecting the reliable and economic operation results of thermopower plants such as hydrogen content, slag melting point, iron oxide content and crushing index HGI.

Because the load in 2022 is difficult to be predicted, the possible demand of coal thermal power plants, especially in the South region, will have large fluctuations, so a flexible mechanism is required, transferring coal between plants, or expanding the adjustable volume range to match the actual needs by plants.

Mr. Duong Quang Thanh - Chairman of EVN's Member Council speaking at the meeting

At the meeting, Mr. Duong Quang Thanh - Chairman of EVN's Member Board said that in 2022, EVN shall build a detailed plan with many scenarios to ensure power supply for the national power system, including the scenario of mobilizing coal-fired thermal power sources. EVN requires the Group's units to sign coal trading contracts with TKV soon so that TKV's units can develop a plan to supply coal for power production, and at the same time be ready for the power system to highly mobilize coal-fired power in early 2022 when economic recovers.

  • 04/12/2021 09:01
  • evn.com.vn
  • 660