EVN issues new regulations on electricity services, what should customers pay attention to?

The newly promulgated power business process was developed by the Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) in accordance with the context of digital transformation, mainly serving customers with electricity services in the form of electronic transactions. What impact does this exert on the way that EVN serves customers? What attention should be paid to when implementing the new regulations on electricity services?

The trend of digitizing electricity services and electronic transactions

According to the new regulations of EVN, the form of receiving and answering EVN's electricity services is mainly through the customer care switchboard; Online via websites, customer service applications, Customer Service via Zalo, National Public Service Portal, etc. With such online service provisions, customers will use electricity services totally through the network environment (from service registration, provision of documents, payment of charge and electronic confirmation by digital authentication or OTP code).

Electricity services and forms of receiving and answering services of EVN

Facing concerns of some customers about the difficulty and ease in using technology to perform electronic transactions, EVN affirmed that it still maintains customer service directly at some customer transaction rooms/locations. Electricity staff will directly support customers who are not yet accustomed to technology, elderly customers, etc. This is a form of direct provision of electricity services combined with the online one. Specifically, if customers are not yet eligible to conduct the procedure online completely, EVN will maximize the application with eligible steps in an online form, combined with the direct one.

In addition, for digital signing, EVN is currently promoting procedures to be permitted to legalize the form of electronic signature signed by customers directly on touch electronic devices (tablets, smartphones, touch screens, etc.). In the coming time, when customers need to sign a power purchase agreement, EVN’s employees will go to the customer's for meter installation, and at the same time guide the customers to sign electronically immediately on the staff's touch devices. This is the next step of EVN to be able to serve all customers, including those who do not use smartphone devices, customers in remote areas…

New regulations and processes on electricity services and business processes issued by the Electricity of Vietnam include:

- Decision No. 353/QD-EVN, dated 17 March 2021, promulgating the Regulation on electricity services in Vietnam Electricity.

- Decision No. 1199/QD-EVN dated 1st September 2021  on promulgating the Electricity Business Process applied in Vietnam Electricity.


What can customers benefit from?

A notable point in the new regulation on electricity services in Vietnam Electricity is the division and clarification of existing types of electricity services into 26 items, instead of 19 as before. This makes it easier for customers to find out information and request specific electrical services.

Moreover, the customer service time is adjusted by EVN. In which, about the time for performing the new power supply service, EVN generally stipulates that the implementation time for customers in rural areas, cities, towns and towns is 5 days; instead of dividing the execution time by area as before. During the performance of the power purchase and sale contract, EVN stipulates the general implementation time for equivalent services. Specifically, with free services, power units serve customers in no more than 03 working days. For services with charge, no more than 05 working days. Thus, EVN's customers in all regions and nationwide will be served according to uniform quality standards.

EVN's goal for the period of 2021 - 2025 is to provide customer services on a digital technology platform, improve customer experience, and bring the quality of electricity service to that equivalent to the group of ASEAN 3 countries.

All regulations on electricity services, service performance flowcharts are publicly and transparently announced by EVN on the website of Vietnam Electricity: www.evn.com.vn; and customer care websites of power corporations.

  • 09/12/2021 12:44
  • evn.com.vn
  • 313