EVN opens the international conference 'Digital Transformation Journey - Lessons and Experiences'

On 29 July 2021, EVN opened the "Digital Transformation Journey - Lessons and Experiences" international conference. The conference took place in an online form via the Zoom platform with the participation of more than 300 delegates representing the power industry in ASEAN countries and representatives of units under EVN.

The conference "Digital Transformation Journey - Lessons and Experiences" took place from 29 July 2021 to the end of the morning of 30 July 2021. This was an opportunity for delegates from the power industry in ASEAN countries to share and learn experiences to shorten and go faster in the digital transformation journey.

EVN has chosen the theme of the year 2021 as "Digital transformation in Vietnam Electricity", aiming to build EVN into a digital enterprise by 2025, in which digital transformation will be basically completed in 2022. International conferences on digital transformation like this occasion will allow EVN and the power industry of ASEAN countries to learn and share success stories and lessons learned, thereby successfully building their own digital transformation roadmap.


The conference took place in an online form. Screenshots.

On the first day, the program had 11 presentations and shared specific solutions/projects on implementing digital transformation in administration, business and customer service, technical management, operation and maintenance, construction investment, etc., of the power industry in ASEAN countries.

Day 2 focused on two topics exclusively for delegates from EVN: "People, processes, technology and data, the four elements of digital transformation" and "Experiences and best practices in digital transformation in the energy industry".

  • 29/07/2021 11:45
  • evn.com.vn
  • 415