EVN organizes an online selection round for the Excellent Worker Contest in 2022

On August 25, EVN held an online selection round for the Excellent Worker Contest at the Vietnam Electricity level in 2022 at 3 locations: Hanoi, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City. There is a total of 315 candidates attended the contest.

This is a computer-based multiple-choice test on occupational knowledge, processes, regulations, standards and regulations on labor safety and protection. Candidates using an E-learning account access the software and have 60 minutes to take the test.

Nine groups of occupations include Transmission line management and operation; Transmission substation management and operation; UAV controlling in the transmission grid management and operation; 110kV line management and operation; 110kV substation management and operation; Medium and low voltage lines and substation management and operation; Head of Hydropower shift; Head of Thermal Power Shift; Dispatch-level dispatcher.

Each multiple-choice exam includes questions about electrical safety, procedures, regulations and professional technical expertise. The computer scores according to the approved detailed answers and point grades. The results of the multiple-choice test are aggregated on the computer right after the candidate finishes the test.

After the end of the online round, the judges will evaluate the results to select the candidates with good results to continue participating in the live round. The competition councils for the Excellent Worker in distributing and dispatching block will take place from 28 to 30 September 2022 in Quang Ninh province. The competition councils for the Excellent Worker in hydropower, thermal power and power transmission will take place from October 5 to 7, 2022, in Khanh Hoa province.

The Excellent Worker Contest at the Vietnam Electricity level in 2022 is aimed to create conditions for excellent workers to demonstrate their theoretical and practical skills, exchange knowledge and experiences between the units. Through this, it also evaluates the quality of the direct workforce and
promotes the productive labor movement to achieve high productivity, quality, efficiency and safety; honors and rewards excellent achievement collectives and individuals to encourage the movement of skill training, competition for excellent workers and active factors in the movement of learning to improve professional and technical qualifications, skills, professional ethics in the whole EVN.

Some pictures at 3 locations holding the online selection round of the Excellent Worker Contest at the Vietnam Electricity level in 2022:


Candidates complete the contest procedures at the headquarters of the Central Power Corporation, Da Nang City


There are 95 candidates participated in the contest at Da Nang city


There are 110 candidates participated in the contest at EVN headquarters - Hanoi


The Organizing Committee of the contest strictly supervises and is ready to support the candidates during the online selection round.


There are 110 candidates participated in the contest at Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation’s headquarters

  • 25/08/2022 05:30
  • evn.com.vn
  • 166