EVNCPC: 2,094 large electricity consumers register to participate in DR program

In the Central-Central Highlands region, the Central Power Corporation (EVNCPC) has actively worked with customers who are key energy users and large electricity consumers to mobilize to participate in the demand response (DR) program and has received high consensus from customers.

Up to 30 May 2023, the whole EVNCPC has a total of 2,094 customers that have signed an agreement to participate in DR with a total saving capacity of 389.7MW.

Many customers of EVNCPC have agreed to participate in DR, implementing energy saving

In order to effectively implement this program, EVNCPC and the power companies have worked with the leaders of the provinces and cities in the Central-Central Highlands region to agree on the policy of saving electricity and managing electricity demand in the area; direct contact with customers who are key energy users and large electricity consumption customers to propagate and mobilize for saving electricity and participating in DR programs, actively adjusting production plans, switching the electricity usage time to off-peak and normal hours.

It is known that up to now, 13/13 provinces and cities in the Central-Central Highlands region have issued a directive document to increase electricity saving, ensuring a safe and stable electricity supply in the area in 2023, especially during peak periods of heat, there is a risk of power shortage.

Along with the power saving program being drastically implemented, the DR program is an effective solution to ensure stable operation of the power system, avoiding system overload in the context of power supply facing many problems today.

  • 31/05/2023 04:53
  • evn.com.vn
  • 144