EVNGENCO 1 promotes cooperation with FPT in digital transformation

On 27 April 2022, in Hanoi, Power Generation Corporation 1 (EVNGENCO 1) and FPT Joint Stock Company has acceptance testing and handover of the product "Consultation on digital transformation roadmap building of EVNGENCO 1" and organize a digital transformation training program for leaders at all levels of EVNGENCO 1.

Associate professor Ph.D. Truong Gia Binh - Chairman of FPT's Member Board directly teaches in the training program.

EVNGENCO 1 and FPT acceptance tested and handed over the product “Consultation on digital transformation roadmap building of EVNGENCO 1”

At the ceremony, Mr. Nguyen Huu Thinh - General Director of EVNGENCO 1 and Mr. Nguyen The Phuong - Deputy General Director of FPT signed the record on product acceptance and handover.

In which, EVNGENCO 1's digital transformation roadmap and modernization roadmap of information technology infrastructure, IT and OT security in the period 2022 - 2025, orientation to 2030 (referred to as the Digital Transformation Roadmap) is a product based on the close cooperation between EVNGENCO 1 and FPT within the Strategic Cooperation Agreement on Digital Transformation framework signed by the two sides on 1 December 2021.

The digital transformation roadmap includes digital initiatives organized into 5 groups of “Data – Operations – Assets – Human – Infrastructure”, the research on investment and application of new technologies to build an information technology platform and information technology human of EVNGENCO 1, supporting the implementation of the Production and Business Strategy and Digital Transformation Strategy in the future.

EVNGENCO1's digital transformation roadmap

Immediately after the signing ceremony, EVNGENCO 1 and FPT implemented the Digital Transformation training program for leaders at all levels of EVNGENCO 1.

The training program helps leaders at all levels of EVNGENCO 1 grasp the general vision, the nature and potential of digital transformation for the development of enterprises, as well as develop a digital transformation strategy, plan and roadmap and direct the effective implementation of digital transformation activities.

This cooperation is expected by EVNGENCO 1 to quickly actualize the vision of "Bringing EVNGENCO 1 to sustainable development, becoming a digital enterprise with modern management level, with competitive power production costs on par with other power generation units in the ASEAN”.

  • 27/04/2022 06:14
  • evn.com.vn
  • 335