EVNHCMC continues to affirm its leading position in the electricity sector in science and technology application

In 2021, the Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation (EVNHCMC) has ensured a safe, continuous and stable power supply in the context of the severe outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ho Chi Minh City. Overcoming many difficulties, the corporation has "reached the finish line" with many impressive achievements.

Mr. Duong Quang Thanh - Chairman of EVN's Member Board praising and highly appreciating EVNHCMC's efforts to overcome difficulties

Pioneering in the application of science and technology

Mr. Duong Quang Thanh - Chairman of EVN's Member Board noted that, in addition to ensuring a safe and reliable power supply for socio-economic development and people's life, in 2021, EVNHCMC has ensured power supply to key hospitals in the model of 5-storeys tower treatment, field hospitals, and concentrated isolation areas for COVID-19 treatment. Especially, in the difficult context due to the pandemic, EVNHCMC has successfully completed the efficiency targets. The rate of power loss, power supply reliability has approached the set target in 2024/2025.

EVNHCMC is also a pioneer in the application of science and technology, the achievements of Industrial Revolution 4.0 in production, business, investment and construction activities. Up to now, the corporation has completed the digitization of technical management; converting and effectively operating 100% of the 110kV substation under the unmanned/remote control model; deploying CBM software for the entire high/medium voltage grid; managing the power supply reliability index and power loss ratio to the distribution substation fully automatically based on SCADA data and telemetry.

The Corporation has also put into operation the first Information Security Operation Center of the Electricity sector (SOC); ranked second in ASEAN in smart grid construction, just behind SP Group Singapore. In the past year, EVNHCMC is also one of 30 enterprises in Ho Chi Minh City honored to be awarded the Golden Brand Award by the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City.

Under the authorization of the State President, Mr. Vo Van Hoan - Member, Vice Chairman of Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee awarding the Third Class Labour Medal to individuals of EVNHCMC who made excellent achievements.

EVNHCMC has also strongly improved its business and customer service activities, put into operation a multi-channel switchboard; sharply increased the digital of customers using the Customer Care App and linking via Zalo; improved governance capacity, and applied a comprehensive enterprise risk management model (ERM) according to international practices.

Chairman of EVN’s Member Board also highly appreciated EVNHCMC's efforts in achieving the criterion of "5 rules in safety": no violation of the high-voltage grid safety corridor arising; no violation of the law on environmental protection; no violations of the power grid safety corridor arising; no electric accidents happening to people; no work accidents happening.

In particular, despite being heavily affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, EVNHCMC still actively participates in social security activities such as supporting the Vaccine Fund, contributing to the Ho Chi Minh City COVID-19 Prevention and Control Fund, donating essential medical supplies to hospitals for COVID-19 treatment, sponsoring the "EVNHCMC accompany you to school" scholarship for orphans due to COVID-19, and so on.

Mr. Duong Quang Thanh - Chairman of EVN's Member Board awarding the Prime Minister's Certificate of Merit to EVNHCMC individuals with outstanding achievements

Mr. Tran Dinh Nhan - General Director of EVN presenting the Emulation Flag of Vietnam Electricity to the collectives with excellent achievements in 2021

Mr. Pham Quoc Bao - Chairman of EVNHCMC's Member Board said that in 2022, the corporation will focus its resources on building 3 pillars in the roadmap to realize the corporation's development goal on par with advanced power companies in the Asia-Pacific region.

Delegates visiting the power supply reliability management software of EVNHCMC OMS - recognized product "Make by EVN"

Specifically, the corporation will complete the digital transformation process in all aspects of production and business activities and switch to a digital business model by the end of 2022; improve the ranking of smart grid index assessment, with the goal, by 2023, to complete the construction of a smart grid towards approaching the world's development level; improve corporate governance capacity according to international standards.

Some outstanding results of EVNHCMC in 2021:

- Stable power supply has been ensured for 504 hospitals, medical facilities, isolation facilities, and field hospitals for COVID-19 prevention and control.

- Rate of power loss: 3.12%, decreasing by 0.29% compared with that in the same period in 2020.

- Power supply reliability: MAIFI: 0.45 times; SAIDI: 40 minutes; SAIFI: 0.55 times.

- 100% of 22kV medium voltage grid monitored, remote-controlled by mini-SCADA (level 1 automation).

- 60% of 22kV public line with DAS/DMS function (2 automation level).

- Rate of Non-cash collection: 99.59% for customers and 99.38% for money. 

- Rate of online requests resolved reached 99.80%; in which 76.73% of requests are received through the network environment. 

- Rate of installing electronic meters reached 92.47%.

 - Completing 35/82 tasks in the digital transformation plan assigned by EVN in the period of 2021-2025, reaching the rate of 42.68% of the 5-year plan. 

- Reducing electricity prices and electricity charges 3 times, with an amount of about VND 640 billion.

- Over 1.57 million workers, students and laborers renting houses can buy electricity at the prescribed price.

- Carrying out social security activities: more than VND 42 billion.


  • 13/01/2022 04:26
  • evn.com.vn
  • 522