EVNNPC successfully fulfilled the tasks in 2021

By the end of 2021, the Northern Power Corporation (EVNNPC) has accomplished the planned targets, tasks and has ensured the power supply for COVID-19 pandemic prevention - control activities as well as socio-economic development and people's life in 27 northern provinces and cities.

The conference on summarizing the implementation of the 2021 production and business plan, planned targets and tasks of 2022 of the Northern Power Corporation (EVNNPC) took place on 6 January 2022 in Hanoi.

Further vigorous application of science and technology

The Northern Power Corporation has comprehensively completed the targets and tasks in 2021, particularly those on power loss reduction, construction and investment, and digital transformation.

Mr. Duong Quang Thanh - Chairman of EVN's Board of Directors praised the achievements and efforts of all employees of EVNNPC in 2021

EVNNPC has been highly appreciated in social security activities too. The Corporation has cooperated well with EVN to support customers, localities and people facing difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrating the corporate responsibility of a state-own enterprise to the community.

Under the authorization of the President, Chairman of the Board of Directors of EVN Duong Quang Thanh awarded the Third Class Labor Medal to the collectives and individuals of EVNNPC.

Imprints on the digital transformation roadmap

EVN’s President and CEO Tran Dinh Nhan (right) awarded the Certificate of Merit of the Prime Minister to EVNNPC's collectives and individuals with outstanding achievements in 2021

According to the report of EVNNPC, in 2021, EVNNPC has performed its production and business activities in a profitable manner, ensured financial safety and improved efficiency in production, business and labor productivity. Despite being affected by COVID-19, the Corporation's power sales in 2021 have maintained the highest growth rate among the five distribution corporations (with 81.8 billion kWh, an increase of 9.31% compared to 2020 and exceeded the plan assigned by EVN).

In particular, in 2021, EVNNPC has achieved impressive successes in digital transformation. The Corporation has successfully digitized processes in such areas as finance and accounting (6 process groups), customer service and business (5 process groups) and engineering - safety (3 process groups).

Leaders of EVNNPC awarded the Corporation's Emulation Flag to Hung Yen Power Company - the unit that won the first prize in successfully completing the targets and tasks in 2021.

Currently, the Corporation has been building a centralized data warehouse, serving as a premise to apply advanced technologies. EVNNPC has put into operation 2 digital substations according to the standards approved by EVN. In the area of business and customer service, the Corporation has deployed the CRM application on-field and upgraded the CRM website in order to entirely manage the customer service from the moment of receiving the customer's request until completion. EVNNPC's customer care channel system has been automatically online on the Internet. In the near future, Chatbot will be used to receive customer requests via Facebook, Customer Service Web and Zalo.

Some results of EVNNPC in 2021:

- Power loss: 4.54%, down 0.1% compared to the plan

- Commencement of 88/78 110kV projects, reaching 112.8% of the plan

- Power supply reliability:

MAIFI: 1.34 times; SAIDI: 448 minutes; SAIFI: 3.75 times.

- 100% of 110kV substations being switched to remotely controlled / unmanned operation mode

- 100% electricity services being provided online at level 4

- 100% of electricity supply contracts have been digitized

- Percentage of service delivery by the electronic method: reaching 97.52%, exceeding 2.52% of the assigned plan

- Percentage of customers paying electricity bills without cash: reaching 71.31%, exceeding 7.77% of the assigned target

- Power supply processing duration for  medium voltage customers: 4.1 days, down 2.9 days compared to EVN's regulations

Some targets and plans of EVNNPC in 2022

- Percentage of customers paying electricity bills without cash ≥ 73.23%

- Percentage of customers installing electronic meters with remote data reading ≥ 76.52%

- Striving to achieve power loss rate ≤ 4.40%

- SAIDI ≤ 422 minutes

- Construction and investment work with total value: VND 18,328 billion

- Completing 100% of the digital transformation plan

- Exceeding the labor productivity plan assigned by EVN

  • 06/01/2022 01:47
  • evn.com.vn
  • 179