EVNSPC: Efforts to implement power-saving measures

At the peak of the heatwave, the Southern Power Corporation (EVNSPC) has been proactively implementing and applying a series of power-saving measures in 21 provinces and cities in the South to contribute to sharing difficulties of the entire power system.

Following the direction of the Government and Vietnam Electricity (EVN), EVNSPC has requested the power companies in 21 Southern provinces, cities, and their subordinate units to coordinate with the local state management agencies in implementing solutions to save the electricity use for redundant public services at the maximum level. At the same time, communication activities have been carried out to mobilize and encourage customers, people, and all social strata to enhance energy saving in this particularly difficult period of the power sector. Together with EVN, EVNSPC has worked with the People's Committees of 21/21 Southern provinces, and cities and all of them have issued documents directing the promotion of electricity-saving solutions in their areas.

In an effort to implement power-saving solutions and actively realize voluntary demand response (DR) programs, from May 15 to May 31, in 21 Southern provinces, about 3,700 customers voluntarily participated in the DR  program with a saving capacity of nearly 750MW, equivalent to a saving of over 2.2 million kWh of electricity output.

As for office buildings of administrative and non-business agencies, public lighting areas, outdoor decoration, and advertising lighting areas, and key energy-using facilities, nearly 30 million kWh has been saved during the above period. In which, administrative and non-business agencies saved nearly 3,963 million kWh; public lighting areas saved nearly 5.3 million kWh; outdoor decoration and advertising lighting areas saved 3,623 million kWh; and key energy-using facilities saved over 16.7 million kWh.

Many manufacturing enterprises in the Southern provinces and cities have adjusted their demand to accompany the power sector in power-saving activities- Photo: Dinh Hoang.

  • 02/06/2023 05:49
  • evn.com.vn
  • 145