Exploiting potentials for energy development, ensuring sufficient power supply for Gia Lai province

On July 21, the Supervisory  Delegation of the National Assembly Standing Committee worked with Gia Lai province on the implementation of policies and laws on energy development in the 2016-2021 period.

Gia Lai - a locality with great potential for energy development

According to the newspaper of Gia Lai Provincial People's Committee, in the period of 2016 - 2021, the electricity sector has supplied about 6,828 million kWh in the province, ensuring the sufficient supply of power demand for socio-economic development and people's daily life; at the same time, making active contributions to ensuring regional and national energy security.

Currently, the province is planning 88 renewable energy projects with a total capacity of 4,347.89MW (of which about 3,005MW has been put into operation), along with 3,248 rooftop solar power systems with a total capacity of 480MW. In the period of 2116 - 2021, the total power output from hydropower plants and other renewable energy plants is about 40,096 million kWh.

Regarding the development of the power grid, the province's power grid system has been duly invested, basically completing with many voltage levels from 22 - 500kV, with a relatively large scale and volume; contributing to meeting the needs of the province's load development, the transmission capacity between the province's power grid with neighboring provinces and the national power system at a high level, and at the same time, ensuring the capacity to release the capacity of renewable energy projects in the province.

Mr. Bui Van Cuong, Secretary General of the National Assembly and Chairman of the Office of National Assembly delivers a speech 

As for energy for remote areas in the province, up to now, there are  220/220 communes, wards, and townships using electricity from the national grid; There are 181/182 communes reaching the criterion of No. 4 - rural electricity, reaching the rate of 99.45%.

In terms of economical and efficient use of energy, in the 2016-2021 period, the province saved 126 million kWh, reaching 2.02% of the total value of commercial electricity.

Ensuring sufficient power for socio-economic development

At the meeting, EVN’s Vice President Ngo Son Hai said that over the years, thanks to the close attention and direction of the Provincial Party Committee, Gia Lai Provincial People's Committee has created favorable conditions to help EVN and its member units successfully complete the task of producing and supplying power for the socio-economic development of the province. In the 2016-2020 period, the province's commercial electricity will grow at an average rate of 6.76 %/year.

Gia Lai province is a locality with a large hydropower source with a total capacity of nearly 2,000 MW, of which hydropower plants are invested by EVN with a total capacity of about 1,500 MW. In addition, about 1,100 MW of renewable energy sources have been put into operation in the period of 2019-2021. Renewable energy projects are rapidly built and put into operation, while the planning and development of the power grid take time, thus causing certain difficulties and challenges in the operation of the transmission power system.

Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the People's Council of Gia Lai province Ho Van Nien speaking about the situation of energy development in the province

To meet the demand for capacity release of power plants as well as to meet the load demand for socio-economic development, EVN's units have completed energizing 6 500kV - 220kV transmission grid works and 9 110kV grid projects in accordance with the approved master plan, basically meeting the load. For transitional RE projects in the province, EVN has been making maximum efforts, coordinating, and creating all conditions for project investors to complete the procedures to put these projects into operation as soon as possible, in the spirit of complying with the provisions of law.

EVN’s Vice President Ngo Son Hai reporting on the situation of power supply and capacity release in Gia Lai province.

  • 21/07/2023 10:50
  • evn.com.vn
  • 76