Focus on ensuring availability operation of Phu My Thermal Power Plant units

​​​​​​​That is one of the requirements of Mr. Le Van Danh - General Director of Power Generation Corporation 3 at a recent meeting with Phu My Thermal Power Company and EVNGENCO 3 Power Plant Repair Service Company (EPS) on ensuring peak power production in the dry season and 2023.

The General Director of EVNGENCO 3 requested EPS Company to continue to actively coordinate with Phu My Thermal Power Company to ensure materials and equipment to repair and overcome abnormalities as soon as possible, ensuring that the power units are always available and ready to respond according to the operation mode of the National Load Dispatch Center.

Regarding fuel for power production, the General Director of EVNGENCO 3 required Phu My Thermal Power Company to proactively procure and receive DO oil sources, ensuring that the power units operate as planned; have more standby oil, optimize oil inventory according to norms; actively work, coordinate with gas supply units to provide solutions to increase supply, optimally control operation according to the gas supply situation to ensure the continuous operation needs of the plants.

Units are required to promote electricity-saving measures. Specifically, compared to the same period in 2022, electricity for self-consumption at the head office/office decreased by at least 10% and by at least 15% in peak months (May, June, and July 2023). At the same time, employees of the units mobilized their relatives and families to save electricity.

Mr. Le Van Danh - General Director of Power Generation Corporation 3 requiring the units to ensure peak power production in the dry season and 2023.

From 13 April 2023, the units of Phu My 2.1, Phu My 2.1 expansion, and Phu My 4 power plants regularly have to operate oil. Up to 25 May 2023, the oil–fired power output of plants was 369.25 million kWh with the consumed DO oil volume of 74,885 m3. In addition, to meet the needs of the power system, Phu My Thermal Power Plants had to continuously operate in the Daily Start/Stop mode (starting/stopping the machine during the day) with a total number of starts from the beginning of the year to date is 305 times.

Phu My Thermal Power Company is trying to reach the cumulative power output milestone of 330 billion kWh, which is expected by the end of August 2023.

For EPS company, in 2023, especially at Phu My power plants, EPS carried out 5 major repair works. The company has actively prepared enough human resources and materials for repair and maintenance, and backup materials, as well as coordinated with power generation units to apply many solutions to ensure safe and quality repair, ahead of schedule to bring the unit back to production soon, contributing to maintaining power production.

On this occasion, delegation of EVNGENCO 3 visiting and giving gifts to employees at Phu My Thermal Power Company and EPS Repair Workshop in Phu My on occasion of Labor Month 2023.

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