Government approves EVN's production and business plan for 2021-2025 period

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha has just signed Decision No. 345/QD-TTg dated April 26, 2024, approving the 5-year production, business, and development investment plan for the 2021 - 2025 period of Vietnam Electricity ( EVN).

The plan sets out the goal of developing EVN into a strong economic group with sustainable, effective, and profitable business; preserving and developing state capital invested in EVN and EVN's capital invested in other enterprises; completing other tasks assigned by the state owner; and make a major contribution to the task of ensuring sufficient power supply for socio-economic development, production, business, and consumption of the people at reasonable electricity prices, ensuring the preservation and development of state capital invested in EVN.


The Government assigned EVN to direct the operation of the national power system to ensure continuous, stable, effective power supply, in accordance with regulations, and ensure power supply security. Carrying out political tasks plays a key role in ensuring sufficient power supply for socio-economic development, production, business, and consumption of the people.

Investing in the development of assigned power source and grid projects according to the Electricity Development Plan and cooperation frameworks between Vietnam and international partners, ensuring progress, quality, and investment efficiency, especially important, key, and urgent projects such as the 500kV transmission line project from Quang Trach (Quang Binh) to Pho Noi (Hung Yen); Developing a smart and efficient power grid that synchronizes with the power source and supplies electricity to power loads. At the same time, promote environmental protection measures in investment, construction, and operation of power projects.

Carrying out assigned tasks on infrastructure investment and human resource training and development to serve the development and operation of the competitive electricity market in Vietnam according to levels approved by competent authorities; Soon deploying and promoting the operation of a competitive retail electricity market.

Implementing the restructuring project of Vietnam Electricity for the period until the end of 2025 after being approved by competent authorities. Building a smart power grid system with flexible operation, capable of high automation from transmission to distribution. Ensuring to meet electricity demand with an average commercial electricity growth rate of about 7%/year

The decision also outlines implementation plans for specific areas, including Power supply; Power source and power grid investment development; and investing in power supply in rural, mountainous, and island areas.

Power supply field: Ensuring to meet power demand with an average growth rate of commercial electricity in the 2021 - 2025  period of about 7%/year (of which, in the 2022 – 2025 period increase by about 7.82%/year). Preparing plans to fully meet power demand with a higher growth rate of commercial electricity.

Power source investment development field: Commecing of 7 power source projects with a total capacity of 3,643MW and 150MWp including Expanded Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant, Expanded Ialy Hydropower Plant, Quang Trach I Thermal Power Plant, Expanded Tri An Hydropower Plant, Bac Ai Pumped Storage Hydropower Plant, and Phuoc Thai 2, 3 Solar Power Plants.

Putting into operation 4 power projects with a total capacity of 840MW and 150MWp including the Expanded Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant, Expanded Ialy Hydropower Plant, and Phuoc Thai 2 and 3 Solar Power Plants.

Continuing to implement solutions to accelerate the investment progress of key power source projects to put into operation 6 projects in the 2026 - 2030 period with a total capacity of about 5,803MW including Quang Trach I Thermal Power Plants, Expanded Tri An Hydropower Plant; Dung Quat I&III Thermal Power Plant, Quang Trach II LNG, and Bac Ai Pumped Storage Hydropower Plant.

Implementing preparation procedures for investment in expanding existing hydropower plants, pumped storage hydropower plants, and LNG power source projects according to approved planning. At the same time, continuing research to implement offshore wind power plant projects, expand the remaining existing hydropower plants (Son La, Lai Chau, Huoi Quang, and Ban Chat), and low-head hydropower plants to have enough basis to report to competent authorities for consideration and approval for inclusion in the Planning/Implementation Plan of Power Planning VIII.

Power grid investment development field: Investing in 500 - 220kV power grid projects assigned in Power Planning VIII. Completing and putting into operation 225 500 - 220kV transmission grid projects with a total length of about 10,500km and total capacity of about 63,000MVA; which focuses on completing key projects of the 500kV transmission line project from Quang Trach (Quang Binh) to Pho Noi (Hung Yen) in 2024.

Rural, mountainous, and island power supply investment field: Deploying investment in rural power supply projects in assigned localities in the Rural, Mountainous, and Island Power Supply Program for the 2021 - 2025 period consistent with the Program's objectives and the ability to allocate state budget capital in the 2021 – 2025 period.

Continuing to allocate capital sources to renovate and expand the existing power grid, ensuring the power supply reliability and the power quality, and meeting the power demand of people and businesses.

Main targets in EVN's 5-year 2021-2025 production and business:

- Produced and purchased electricity: 1,404,891 million kWh

- Commercial electricity: 1,288,064kWh

- Proportion of electricity used for transmission and distribution: Strive to reduce to 6% by 2025...

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