Hai Phong Thermal Power Joint Stock Company celebrates its 20th anniversary of establishment and receives  the Second-Class Labour Order

Over 20 years of construction and development, Hai Phong Thermal Power Joint Stock Company (TPC HAIPHONG) has increasingly affirmed its important role, contributing to stable and reliable power supply for socio-economic growth in the North in particular and national energy security in general. The Second-class Labour Order is the recognition of the Party and State for the worthy contributions of the company's employees.

On the morning of September 16, in Ho Chi Minh City. Hai Phong, Hai Phong Thermal Power Joint Stock Company celebrated its 20th Anniversary (September 17, 2012 - September 17, 2022) and received the Second Class Labour Order.

Parallel production with environmental protection

Hai Phong Thermal Power Joint Stock Company is managing and operating Hai Phong 1 and 2 Thermal Power Plants, with a total capacity of 1,200MW. The company always completed and surpassed the power output assigned by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Vietnam Electricity and Power Generation Corporation 2, meeting the mobilization requirements of the national power system. As of June 30, 2022, the company's total power production has surpassed 70 billion kWh. Of which, in 2019 it reached 8.1 billion kWh, equivalent to 112.5% of the designed output.

Under the authorization of the State President, Mr. Ho Sy Hung - Vice Chairman of the Committee for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises awarding the Second-Class Labour Order to Hai Phong Thermal Power Joint Stock Company

During the operation, the economic and technical indicators of the two Hai Phong 1 and 2 Thermal Power Plants both met and surpassed the targets and plans assigned by the general meeting of shareholders; power units are operated stably and safely, ensuring a high availability factor. Thereby, it has been contributing to stable and reliable power supply for socio-economic growth in the Northern region enhancing the reliability of power supply in the economic triangle area of Hai Phong - Hanoi - Quang Ninh, ensuring the ability to supply power safely to industrial zones around Hai Phong city and surrounding areas. At the same time, contributing to reducing the loss of transmission power for the region, meeting the load demand and the power source development as specified in the Power Plan V and the following years.

Up to now, TPC HAIPHONG has basically paid off all domestic and foreign loans, the preserved state capital, and ensured dividends for shareholders. From the time of operation until the end of 2021, the company has contributed the budget to the city of Hai Phong at more than VND 4,300 billion and is one of the largest budget contributors to this city.

Mr. Tran Dinh Nhan – EVN’s President and CEO presenting the Certificate of Merit from the Prime Minister to Mr. Ta Cong Hoan - Chairman of TPC HAIPHONG (far left) and Mr. Duong Son Ba - General Director of TPC HAIPHONG (far right)

The company also always strictly and fully implements the provisions of the law on environmental protection. At the same time, deploying and installing an automatic environmental monitoring system, connecting online to Hai Phong Department of Natural Resources and Environment for monitoring. The total amount (100%) volume of the plant’s ash slag has been consumed. Hazardous waste is managed strictly and in accordance with regulations. Every year, the company plants more trees on the plant premises and the slag dam area, and so on.

The company is investing in a project to upgrade the exhaust gas treatment system. After completion, the emissions of the two plants will meet the environmental requirements according to Resolution No. 55-NQ/TW dated February 11, 2020 of the Politburo on the orientation of Vietnam's national energy development strategy to 2030, with a vision to 2045.

Continue innovation and creativity

Mr. Pham Van Thep - Secretary of Thuy Nguyen District Party Committee congratulating TPC HAIPHONG on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of its establishment

Leaders of EVNGENCO 2 affirmed that TPC HAIPHONG plays an important role in EVNGENCO 2 when it accounts for 26.84% of the total installed capacity and contributes up to 40% of the annual power generation output of the corporation. TPC HAIPHONG needs to continue to ensure the operation and production of power, promote the efficiency of existing equipment, ensure the safe, continuous and reliable operation of the generating units, to meet the mobilization requirements of the power system.

TPC HAIPHONG also needs to promote the implementation of digital transformation in the field of power generation, timely grasp the trend to maintain and improve the operating efficiency of the power units, the management capacity of the unit, researching and investing, expanding the scale and generating capacity in order to continue promoting the effective use of the capital source.

Mr. Tran Phu Thai - Chairman of the Management Board of EVNGENCO 2 speaking at the ceremony

With the goal of becoming a leading reputable power generation company, playing an important role in the national power system and pioneering in environmental protection, TPC HAIPHONG identifies innovation and creativity as “leverage” for success.

Some typical awards TPC HAIPHONG has received:

- Second-class Labour Order for the period 2015 - 2019

- Third-class Labour Order for the period 2010 - 2014

- Certificate of Merit from the Prime Minister in the period 2009 - 2011 for his achievements in his work, contributing to the cause of building socialism and defending the Fatherland.

- Banner, Certificate of Merit awarded by People's Committee of Hai Phong City on the 20th anniversary of the establishment

- Many Certificates of Merit from ministries, branches, EVN

  • 16/09/2022 05:39
  • evn.com.vn
  • 890