Hanoi University of Science and Technology works with EVNHCMC on smart grids

Professor Le Anh Tuan - Chairman of the University Council and the delegation of Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST) have just had a meeting with the EVN Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation (EVNHCMC) on the application of  Technology 4.0 in the operation of the distribution grids, and the construction of smart grids.

According to Mr. Luan Quoc Hung - Deputy General Director of EVNHCMC, over the years, EVNHCMC has strongly applied the achievements of the 4th industrial revolution and digital technology into production and business activities, promoting the construction of smart grids, etc., thereby, improving the reliability of power supply, reducing power loss, and improving labor productivity.

The delegation visiting Ho Chi Minh City Power System Dispatch Center

According to the results of the assessment and ranking of the smart grid index of SP Group (Singapore) in 2021, EVNHCMC achieved 67.9/100 points, ranked 53/86 power companies among 37 countries in the world with smart grids and ranked 2nd among power companies in ASEAN countries.

Currently, EVNHCMC has applied data analysis based on data collected from the SCADA system, telemetry equipment, Omni Chanel, CMC, and GIS into activities such as Load forecasting for more than 14,000 rooftop solar power systems in Ho Chi Minh City; replacement of property, equipment; maintaining the power grid according to CBM method; power loss management; planning the construction and renovation of the power grid (high/medium/low voltage), and so on.

100% of 110kV substations of the corporation have met the criteria of unmanned, equipped with security camera systems and automatic fire protection systems; 100% of 22kV lines are monitored and controlled remotely, of which 83% of lines operate in fully automatic mode. The corporation also built the first 110kV 63MVA digital substation in Cu Chi district.

Especially, since January 2022, EVNHCMC has put the backup control center into operation in parallel with the main control center, ensuring that the operation and power supply in the area is always safe and reliable.

The delegation listening to the introduction about the multi-channel Customer Care  Center under the EVNHCMC Customer Care Center

EVNHCMC has successfully researched and built OMS - a power failure management system on a single line diagram, written on open-source code, flexible in programming as well as connecting to other systems such as Link with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) program, exchange data with SCADA and MDMS systems for automatic status updates and reliability calculations, Geographic Information System (GIS), Power Supply and Grid Management System (PMIS). With this program, the power supply, power failure detection, power repair, and power supply management will be performed visually and monitor the power supply situation in the locality 24/7.

EVNHCMC has also put into operation a multi-channel customer care switchboard, providing 100% of electricity services online through platforms such as Customer Care App; website of EVNHCMC; Facebook, Viber, Zalo), SMS…

Professor Le Anh Tuan - Chairman of the Council of Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST) said that HUST is looking forward to cooperating with EVNHCMC in the near future on the research and application of new and digital technologies in the operation of the distribution power grid; Training and improving the quality of human resources, etc.

The meeting between HUST and EVNHCMC is within the framework of the cooperation agreement between EVN and HUST in the field of training, scientific and technological research in the period 2019 - 2024.

  • 08/09/2022 10:24
  • evn.com.vn
  • 159