Launching emulation to implement phase 2 of EVN’s plan of 10,000 initiatives

More than 7,000 initiatives are the target of phase 2 (from 1 June 2022 to the end of 30 September 2023) on the implementation of the 10,000 initiatives plan in the Vietnam National Electricity Group. A conference on summarizing emulation results in phase 1 and launching emulation phase 2 was held by the Vietnam Electricity Trade Union on the morning of June 16 in Hanoi.

As of the end of 31 May 2022 (end of phase 1), 2,400 initiatives and solutions of union members and employees in EVN successfully registered in the program "1 million initiatives" launched by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor. With this result, the Vietnam Electricity Trade Union completed the target and was in the top 3 entities of the Trade Union Emulation Division of groups and corporations (ranked 2nd after the Trade Union of VINACOMIN).

To accomplish the target of more than 7,000 registered initiatives in phase 2, Mr. Do Duc Hung - Chairman of the Vietnam Electricity Trade Union suggested that trade union officials and Grassroots Trade Union Executive Committees should improve their professionalism in the way of organizing, mobilizing, arousing the sense of self-consciousness of union members and employees to get their enthusiastic participation,  especially those involved directly in production.

The leader of EVN emphasized that the successful implementation of "10,000 initiatives" in Vietnam Electricity (period 2022 - 2023) will contribute to the excellent fulfillment of production and business tasks of member units as well as EVN in 2022 and the following years.

 “10,000 initiatives” is a plan launched by the Vietnam Electricity Trade Union to be implemented in 2022 - 2023, in order to promote the creative labor movement of employees of Vietnam Electricity, and at the same time implement the program "1 million initiatives" of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor.

Some photos from the conference:

Mr. Do Duc Hung - Chairman of the Vietnam Electricity Trade Union spoke at the conference

Standing Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of EVN Nguyen Huu Tuan (far right), Vice President of EVN Vo Quang Lam (far left) awarded Certificates of Merit of Vietnam Electricity to collectives and individuals

Chairman of Vietnam Electricity Trade Union Do Duc Hung awarded Certificates of Merit of Vietnam Electricity Trade Union to individuals with excellent achievements

  • 16/06/2022 04:17
  • 191