MOIT promulgates new Circular adjusting regulations on power use: via sharing meters by households and for daily life by collective houses 

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has promulgated Circular 09/2023/TT-BCT amending and supplementing several articles of Circular No. 16/2014/TT-BCT stipulating the implementation of electricity selling prices and Circular 25/2018/TT -BCT amending Circular 16/2014/TT-BCT. In which, the new Circular amends several regulations on power use: via sharing meters by households and for daily life by collective houses.

How to determine whether household electricity purchasers have electricity-using households sharing meters?

According to the regulations of Clause 2, Article 10 of the previous Circular 16/2014/TT-BCT, the determination of the household electricity purchaser having electricity-using households sharing meter will be based on the household registration book.  

However, according to the new regulations in Circular 09/2023/TT-BCT, the determination of the household electricity purchaser having electricity-using households sharing meter will be determined according to the residence information of the household at the electricity use location.

The household electricity purchaser having electricity-using households sharing meter is applied the electricity selling price to the electric-using households according to the principle that the electricity purchaser's general norm is equal to the norm of each level multiplied by the number of electricity-using households sharing meter.

How to determine electricity purchasers using electricity for daily-life purposes for collective houses can declare the number of people

At Point a, Clause 3, Article 10 of Circular 16/2014/TT-BCT, the electricity purchaser using electricity for daily-life purposes for collective houses of officials, public employees, armed forces, and houses of a monk; the dormitory of students, the following applies: If the number of people can be declared, then every 4 people (based on the temporary residence book or the list of officers and soldiers certified by the unit head for the armed forces) is counted as electricity using household to apply the retail price of household electricity.

Thus, the way to determine whether the electricity purchaser using electricity for daily-life purposes for collective houses in case the number of people can be declared will be based on the temporary residence book or the list of officers and soldiers certified by the unit head for the armed forces. 

However, according to the new regulations in Circular 09/2023/TT-BCT, if the number of people can be declared, then every 04 (four) people (determined according to information on residence at the electricity use location or the list of officers and soldiers certified by the unit head for the armed forces) is counted as an electricity-using household for the application of the retail price of household electricity.

This Circular validates from 15 June 2023.

  • 29/04/2023 10:02
  • 106