“Managing change in energy transition context”

17:18, 28/10/2023

This is the topic of the training program jointly organized by the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) and Vietnam Electricity (EVN) on October 27-28 in Ninh Binh, for level 1 managers and planned officers of EVN.

On GIZ's side were Mr. Sven Ernedal, Director of The Commercial and Industrial Rooftop Solar Project (CIRTS); Ms. Le Thi Thoa, CIRTS leader; Dr. Thomas Holtkamp, international lecturer, GIZ expert, and Mr. Voss Torben, energy expert from Como Consult GmgH (Germany).

On the Vietnam Electricity side were EVN Vice President Vo Quang Lam.

24 trainees are heads of EVN's professional departments and leaders of corporations and affiliated units who are planned into the Board of Directors and Board of Members.

GIZ expert exchanging and sharing experience in managing change in energy transition context with EVN trainees.

The 2-day training program includes the following contents: the role of leadership in a changing context; systems thinking in the change process; leadership in the VUCA period (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity); cycle and tools to develop change management strategy; looking for ways to promote leadership in change, and so on.

In addition to sharing from GIZ experts, trainees also attended a peer-to-peer sharing session by the Head of the Energy Transition Solutions Department of Western Power company (Australia) about their experiences on how to approach transition trends in the energy industry.

At the program, EVN Vice President Vo Quang Lam said that change management plays a vital role for any business, especially in the context of technology constantly developing, customer trends varying, new market regulations regularly introduced and businesses having to cope with unprecedented global crises.

Some photos in the training program for level 1 managers and planned officers of EVN on "Managing change in energy transition context"

EVN Vice President Vo Quang Lam speaking at the program.


Mr. Voss Torben, energy expert at Como Consult GmgH (Germany) sharing about ways to promote leadership in change.

Trainees discussing considered and integrated aspects in EVN's change management process.

EVN Vice President Vo Quang Lam and lecturers awarding certificates to trainees participating in training program.


EVN Vice President Vo Quang Lam awarding certificates to trainees participating in training program.

