Ministry of Industry and Trade: Permission to resume construction of Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant Extension Project

In Document No. 5338/BCT-ATMT dated 8 September 2022 to the Vietnam Electricity, the Ministry of Industry and Trade agreed to resume construction of the Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant Extension Project.

Overview of Hoa Binh hydropower plant project

Accordingly, implementing Official Dispatch No. 5659/VPCP-CN dated 30 August 2022 of the Government Office on the report on overall rating profile of the Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant Extension Project and the direction of the Deputy Prime Minister Le Van Thanh at Notice No. 302/TB-VPCP dated 5 November 2021 of the Government Office announcing the conclusion of Deputy Prime Minister Le Van Thanh at the inspection and working session on landslide in foundation pit construction area for Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant Extension Project, based on Report No. 2400/BC-EVN dated 6 May 2022 of the Vietnam Electricity, after consideration, the Ministry of Industry and Trade agreed with the proposal of the Vietnam Electricity on allowing construction to resume for Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant Extension Project.

During the construction process, the Ministry of Industry and Trade requested Vietnam Electricity to ensure absolute safety for Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant, especially the Hoa Binh hydropower dam, absolute safety for Uncle Ho's monument. and existing projects. The Ministry of Industry and Trade also requested EVN to fully comply with the provisions of the law on investment, construction, and related laws.

  • 08/09/2022 03:31
  • 532