National Assembly Vice Chairman Nguyen Duc Hai works with People's Committee of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province on energy development

On 24 July 2023, in Ba Ria City, under the chairmanship of Member of the Party Central Committee, National Assembly Vice Chairman Nguyen Duc Hai - Head of the Supervision Delegation of the National Assembly Standing Committee on "The execution of policies and laws regarding energy development in the 2016 - 2021 period ", the Supervision Delegation worked with the People's Committee of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province.

Reporting to the Supervision Delegation, Vice Chairman of Ba Ria - Vung Tau Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Cong Vinh said that in the period 2016-2021, the energy supply in the area is guaranteed, especially power and natural gas supply serving socio-economic development and security - defense.

The total capacity of power generation in the whole province by 2021 reached about 4,909 MW. The structure of power sources in the area is mainly gas thermal power, there is no coal thermal power source or wind power source, and very small hydropower scale.

It is forecast that the province's peak capacity demand will reach about 2,331MW in 2025 and 3,335MW in 2030, with a total current power source capacity of 4,909MW, not to mention power source projects that will be invested in the period of 2023-2030 in compliance with the Power Plan VIII, the ability of power supply to the province is still good, the power demand compared to the total capacity of the local power source is not lack. However, if the national power system lacks a power source, Ba Ria - Vung Tau may also be affected due to the regulation and reduction to share the power source with other regions and localities according to the allocation of the National Load Dispatch Center.

National Assembly Vice Chairman Nguyen Duc Hai chairing the working session with People's Committee of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province

The People's Committee of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province proposed that the National Assembly Standing Committee allocate investment capital for the project in the medium-term public investment plan for the period of 2021-2025 so that Vietnam Electricity implements the next steps on this basis and strives to complete the project by 2026, meeting the expectations of the voters and people of Con Dao in particular and Ba Ria - Vung Tau province in general. The province also proposed that the Government and the Ministry of Industry and Trade consider guiding, supporting, and creating conditions for Ba Ria - Vung Tau to be developed into an industrial and service center providing offshore renewable energy for both the South in particular and the country in general.

Scene of working session

The Supervision Delegation highly appreciated the achievements of the locality in implementing energy policies to ensure energy security for the province, contributing to stabilizing the national energy security.

  • 25/07/2023 04:24
  • 91