Nearly 1,300 customers in the Central region agree to participate in the demand response program

Over the first 9 months of 2019, 1,273 electricity customers who consume 1 million kWh per year or more have signed agreements with the Central Power Corporation (EVNCPC) to voluntarily participate in the demand response program (DR).

The total capacity being registered by customers in the DR program is estimated at 321.25MW, equivalent to 12% of the peak capacity (Pmax) of the power system in 2018 in 13 Central and Central Highlands provinces of Vietnam.

Among them, there are 209 customers having electricity consumption of 3 million kWh or more per year (key customers), with a total registered capacity of 167.78MW.

Mr. Ngo Tan Cu - General Director of EVNCPC said, in reality, after signing agreements, customers have actively participated in 9 demand response programs, including both emergency DR and planned DR. Thereby, it contributes to reducing the maximum capacity of the power system, relieving the overloading situation of power grids, contributing to improving the economic efficiency of the power system operation.

To this end, power companies under EVNCPC have coordinated with local authorities in information and communication activities to encourage customers to participate in the programs. At the same time, information and communication activities have been conducted extensively via local mass media, as well as direct dialogues.

Power companies under EVNCPC have conducted studies on the load curve of every customer when participating in the DR program, giving advices on how to use electricity safely, economically and efficiently, providing special care services for the involved businesses, etc.

  • 07/10/2019 11:04
  • 373