“Policy on electricity prices, electricity market of Vietnam – Some problems and solutions”

This is the topic of a seminar organized by the Supervisory Delegation of the National Assembly Standing Committee in collaboration with the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations (VUSTA) on the morning of July 18 in Hanoi.

The seminar was chaired by: Mr. Nguyen Duc Hai - Vice Chairman of the National Assembly, Head of the supervisory delegation; Mr. Le Quang Huy - Chairman of the National Assembly's Committee for Science, Technology and Environment, Deputy Head of the Standing Delegation of the supervisory delegation; Mr. Phan Xuan Dung - President of VUSTA; Mr. Ta Dinh Thi - Vice Chairman of the National Assembly's Committee on Science, Technology and Environment.

The seminar was also attended by Mr. Dang Hoang An - Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade; many experts, managers, scientists, National Assembly deputies, etc.

On behalf of EVN, Mr. Ngo Son Hai – Vice President of EVN and Mr. Nguyen Xuan Nam - Vice President of EVN attended the seminar.

Electricity is an important infrastructure industry

Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Nguyen Duc Hai deliveres a speech to direct the seminar

At the seminar, experts, scientists, managers, and business leaders focused on exchanging, discussing, and analyzing many issues such as the Overview of policies and legislation on electricity prices, the electricity market in Vietnam; Impacts of international and regional contexts on electricity prices, our country's electricity market, the impact of electricity prices and the electricity market on socio-economic development, ensuring national energy security, protecting the environment, ensuring national defense and security; The organization and implementation of the system of policies and laws on electricity prices and electricity market in recent years; State management of electricity prices and electricity markets, especially the direction and administration of electricity prices, the electricity market, the restructuring of the electricity industry, the model of organization and management in both management aspects of government and corporate governance, etc.

The need for a new way of doing things, breakthrough solutions

Speaking at the seminar, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Nguyen Duc Hai acknowledged and highly appreciated the frank opinions of experts, managers, scientists, and businesses.

Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Dang Hoang An speaks at the seminar

The Vice Chairman of the National Assembly emphasized: “Through opinions at the seminar as well as the opinions of voters and the Government's socio-economic reports, it shows that Vietnam's electricity price policy over the past years has contributed to stabilizing the macro-economy, controlling inflation, and ensuring social security. However, the electricity price policy and the electricity market still have shown many shortcomings and limitations.

Speaking at the seminar, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Dang Hoang An emphasized: Electricity is an important input of the economy. Restructuring the management of the electricity industry to optimally reduce costs is not only the task of Vietnam Electricity but also of all units involved in electricity production and business, including private enterprises.

Also according to the Vice Chairman of the National Assembly, there are opinions that the power generation structure and electricity price adjustment have not yet offset input costs and ensured reasonable profits; formulas for calculating and determining fluctuations of basic input parameters on electricity prices have not been completed; The retail tariff structure is not suitable, there is no specific roadmap to apply two-component electricity prices, etc. The formation of the electricity market has been slow, facing many obstacles; the policy on primary energy price shows some shortcomings; The current electricity retail price mechanism is not synchronized with the reality of electricity market development, etc. These issues affect the development of the electricity industry, the energy industry, and the stable and sustainable development of the country.

Mr. Nguyen Dinh Phuoc - Head of Finance and Accounting Department of EVN delivers a speech at the seminar

Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Nguyen Duc Hai suggested the Standing Committee of Science, Technology, and Environment continue coordinating with VUSTA, experts, and scientists to urgently do research and collect opinions of delegates at the seminar to develop the General Report and finalize the draft report of the Supervisory Delegation, with special attention being paid to really practical and effective proposals, "right” and “targeted”, promptly solving and removing difficulties and obstacles to the electricity price policy and the electricity market of Vietnam in the short term as well as in the long term.

  • 18/07/2023 12:29
  • evn.com.vn
  • 350