Promote the spirit of initiative, responsibility and close coordination in ensuring the balance of electric energy

On 3 April 2022, at the Government Headquarters, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chaired a meeting on the supply of power, coal and gas for power production, ensuring a large balance of energy in 2022 and the following years. The meeting was also attended by Vice Prime Ministers Le Minh Khai and Le Van Thanh.

According to Vietnam Electricity (EVN), in the first quarter of 2022, EVN has ensured the power supply for the country's socio-economic development with higher-than-planned growth in electricity demand, of which: the total power output produced and imported for the whole system in the first quarter of 2022 reached 62.85 billion kWh, increasing by 7.5% over the same period in 2021 and 1.8 billion kW hour higher than it was planned. The national maximum demand for load capacity (Pmax) reached 40,144MW, an increase of 5.94% over the same period in 2021.

Regarding the operation of the power system and the mobilization of power sources: coal-fired thermal power sources mobilized 1.36 billion kWh lower than it in the plan, and at the same time, the demand for power increased higher than it was planned, so the mobilized hydropower and gas-fired power sources were 2.17 and 1.01 billion kWh, respectively, higher than it was planned. The remaining power sources shall be mobilized according to the approved annual plan.

EVN has calculated the balance of power supply and demand in 2022 according to two load options, thereby, the basic load plan: based on the actual power demand in the first quarter, then EVN forecasts the load demand in the remaining months and the whole year of 2022. Accordingly, the power output produced and imported for the whole system in 2022 is expected to be 277.29 billion kWh, an increase of 8.73% compared to that of 2021 (the plan is 275.5 billion kWh, a growth of 7.3%). The high load plan: in order to reserve for the scenario of strong economic recovery, EVN has calculated and tested the plan of load demand in the last months of the year growing at a high rate (approximately 12% growth).

The balance calculation shows that, in the case of ensuring enough coal supply for power generation, it basically ensures the national power supply, even in the case of high growth in load demand. In the case of not supplying enough coal for power production, to meet the power demand, it is required to mobilize diesel power sources, respectively about 535 million kWh for the basic load option and about 2.5 billion kWh for the high load option.

Regarding the power supply capacity in the period up to 2025, EVN has calculated the power supply and demand up to 2025 and reported it to the Prime Minister, ministries and branches in Document No. 1479/BC-EVN dated March 27, 2022. Accordingly, the southern and central regions basically guarantee power supply.

For the North, power demand accounts for nearly 50% of the whole country and the growth rate is forecasted to be higher than that of the national average, so it is increasingly difficult to secure power supply and there may be a peak capacity shortage in May to July.

Speaking at the conclusion of the meeting, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh assessed that the electricity security in 2021 and the first quarter of 2022 has been well done. We affirm that there is no shortage of power on the whole, but there may be a shortage of power locally. If inadequacies can be overcome, together with a more reasonable implementation organization, closer and more effective coordination between agencies, units, businesses, and related entities in better power supply, we will not be in shortage of power locally.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chairing  the meeting

The Prime Minister directed EVN that it is necessary to take immediate and long-term, sustainable measures in power development. This will contribute to rapid recovery and sustainable socio-economic development. The potential, conditions and foundation can help us to ensure a large balance of electric energy.

The Prime Minister stated that in the coming time, it is forecast that the world situation will continue to develop complicatedly, while the situation of the country requires quick recovery and sustainable development, thus ensuring a large balance of energy is very important, exerting impact in growth, political stability, production and consumption.

Therefore, we shall be responsible for following up on the situation, forecasting the situation well, and setting feasible and appropriate targets, tasks and solutions. We shall effectively coordinate, improve proactiveness, and overcome shortcomings and limitations with the goal of ensuring a large balance of electricity for production and consumption, controlling prices, and not interfering with inflation, export and import index. It is also necessary to promote domestic production, increase the autonomy and self-reliance of the electricity industry, and reduce dependence; there must be both an instant solution and a long-term, fundamental solution.

In the short term, we shall focus on exploiting to the fullest extent possible, such as oil, gas, and coal mining; strengthening the development of renewable energy sources in line with the situation, conditions and general guidelines of the Party and the State; promoting more power saving. To encourage domestic production, increase labour productivity, innovate, and properly solve the relations between input and output material prices, and implement the principle of a market mechanism regulated by the State policies; study the impact of price increases; closely follow the market to regulate prices, not let inflation, adversely affect the economy.

It is required to tighten discipline and regulations in the performance of signed coal supply contracts for power production. There must be a long-term, stable plan for the supply of coal for power production. It is required to perform effective coordination between state management agencies and enterprises. Furthermore, it is required to review mechanisms and policies related to electricity, coal, gas, renewable energy sources, etc.

The Prime Minister requested the sector to actively promote the transition to using clean energy; make the most of the existing power sources in the spirit of promoting initiative and responsibility for the country and for the common tasks; push up the fight against negativity, corruption and wastefulness in the coal, electricity, oil and gas production industries; fight against the ask-for-grant mechanism, the issuance of “sub-licenses”; everything must be for the people to serve, for the development of the country, to ensure a large balance in power energy, to serve for quick recovery and sustainable development.

  • 03/04/2022 11:17
  • 279