Solutions for managing construction and investment activities in the digital age

Although being freshly developed and put into application in the last 3 years, the Investment Management Information System (IMIS) has become an effective tool of EVN.

Changing management approach

If applying manual practices, it is difficult to list all the workloads to be managed in investment projects. As for power generation project management boards which manage EPC (engineering, procurement, construction) contracts, the number of construction design drawings alone can reach up to 20,000 - 30,000 copies, not including other information stored in Excel files, scanned files and stacks of papers and files. This has caused a lot of difficulties, incurred additional management and storage costs, as well as delayed project approval process.

At present, these manual practices are a thing of the past, thanks to the IMIS software. At Vinh Tan Thermal Power Project Management Board, Mr. Vo Minh Thang - Director of the Project Management Board (Vinh Tan PMB) said, thanks to the application of IMIS software, the management of data and information of Vinh Tan 4 Thermal Power Plant Extension project has become more convenient, accurate and timely. All the information collected from the project investor, contractors, supervision consultants, etc. have been digitized, systematized in an inclusive and scientific manner in each functional module. It should be noted that this is only one of the useful operation functions of IMIS, being used for project management.

The application of IMIS has changed the whole approach of management at project management boards in EVN. Since 2016, this software has been accepted by EVN to be widely applied in more than 200 secondary and tertiary member units of the Group, in all business lines including power generation, transmission and distribution.

According to Mr. Pham Ngoc Hien - Deputy Director of the Information and Communication Technology Company (EVNICT), IMIS provides functions and management tools to monitor and handle all tasks throughout the lifetime of every project, in all stages from investment preparation, investment implementation to project completion. In particular, IMIS has been strengthened with its supporting operations on quality management in construction and investment activities: supervision of survey and design, supervision of project construction quality. The software also brings about great economic efficiency by assisting EVN units in evaluating and creating a data warehouse on contractors.

On IMIS, users can access a complete database of investment projects, information, documents, and legal documents related to investment project management. The software also allows connecting and integrating with E-Office systems, EVN's bidding website, thus integrating relevant bidding data, respective documents and records in project construction and investment process.

Investment Management Information System was awarded Sao Khue 2018 prize

Technology advantages

In fact, before EVNICT was assigned to develop IMIS, corporations under EVN had developed and carried out their own software to serve their investment and construction management activities. Each unit has different characteristics, management needs, and uses of technology, with a huge amount of data. The application of IMIS software in an extensive manner in the Group needs to synchronously deal with a number of issues, for example it must both ensure the professional consistency of the Group and meet specialized management requirements, at the same time ensure the integrity of existing data.

With the advantage of a "follower", IMIS has taken advantage of and promoted the benefits of existing software, added modern technologies, further developed functions and utilities for users. According to Mr. Pham Ngoc Hien, the strength of IMIS is the use of outstanding technologies in big data management, such as: SQL FileStream, link server, etc. IMIS provides consolidated data in a coherent and general way, so that the top management can get an overview of implementation status of projects under their management.

In addition, the IMIS software is integrated with GPS technology and other mobile technologies. Thereby, building functions, application versions on mobile devices, which facilitates the supervision of construction via GPS photos in the project site, improving the accuracy of data of coordinates, of time during the construction supervision process. A lot of attention has been paid to developing the flexibility and adaptability of IMIS from the software interface to database.

It is known that in the coming time, EVNICT will continue to upgrade the Investment Management Information System software, apply achievements of Industry 4.0 such as: BI technology, IoT, AI, etc. to enhance data analysis capabilities, develop a number of new functions, contributing to improving the quality of management and supervision of investment projects.

IMIS software:

Technology model: Web application

Technology platform: Framework.NET 4.5

Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 and above

  • 24/09/2019 02:17
  • 482