The Southern Power Corporation: 5 cornerstones on digital transformation

01:16, 19/05/2021

Developing digital transformation policies, promoting the application of digital technologies, etc. is one of the cornerstones determined and developed by the Southern Power Corporation (EVNSPC) in realization of their plan of digitization in all production and business areas with theaim that by 2025 the corporation will become a digital enterprise at the request of Vietnam Electricity.

EVNSPC's digital transformation roadmap in the period of 2021 - 2025:

• Period 2021 - 2022: Setting the goals of building a digital culture, implementing digital transformation in a number of business activities to solve the current problems and build basic foundations for digitaltransformation in consistence with EVN's digital transformation roadmap.

• Period 2023 - 2025: On the basis of the outcomes of phase 1, implementing comprehensively digital transformation in professional activities, along with studying a number of new services to serve theincreasing electricity demand of customers with the best efficiency.

EVNSPC has selectively implemented digital transformation in key areas in the period 2021 - 2022 up to 2025, with 5 cornerstones such as: Promoting the application of digital technologies to innovate and improve the processes of management and operation of the power system; Introducing experience design to attract more and more customers to interact on digital channels, enhancinganalysis to understand customers; Improving processes, optimizing and enhancing corporate governance to havedata-driven decision making; Developinga competent, mindful and skilled workforce; Building a strong, flexible digital ecosystem, maximizing shared services and data, and enhancing security.

Efficient exploitation and operation of the power grid is one of the 'destinations' of digital transformation

One of the remarkable solutions is the successful implementation of EVN's integrated, linked shared applications according to the roadmap, while researching and building specific software to meet the requirements of sustainable development of EVNSPC. In addition, perfecting the overall monitoring system of IT and telecommunications infrastructure, used exclusively as a tool to improve capacity for the management advising work on application and development of science and technology at all levels in the whole EVNSPC; ensuring information safety and security at all levels to meet the readiness for the digital transformation roadmap for the period 2021 - 2022.
