The 'golden' time to speed up the capacity releasing project cluster for Van Phong 1 BOT Thermal Power Plant

On the afternoon of 12 May 2022, in Khanh Hoa, General Director of the National Power Transmission Corporation (EVNNPT) - Mr. Pham Le Phu had a meeting to review the progress of capacity releasing projects of Van Phong 1 BOT Thermal Power Plant (TPP). According to the general assessment, the projects are closed following the construction progress.

According to the report of Mr. Nguyen Duc Tuyen - Director of the Central Power Projects Management Board (CPMB), the projects are currently closed following the construction progress.

Specifically, for Van Phong 500kV substation project and its connection, there are currently 104 people directly working on the construction site. Up to now, items completed construction such as foundation, concrete of control house roof, shift-waiting house, guard house, fire hydrant tank, bridge to the substation, etc. Items under construction such as plastering of flying and guard houses, concreting drainage systems and cable trenches, construction of equipment foundations, etc.

However, the connecting line part has not yet met the site requirements, because only 59/62 foundation positions and 25/62 pole spacings have been handed over.

Mr. Nguyen Duc Tuyen – Director of CPMB reported at the meeting

For the Van Phong - Vinh Tan 500kV transmission line project, 197/304 foundation positions have been molded and 121/304 pole positions have been erected. The remaining foundation positions mainly have complicated terrain, passing through shrimp lagoon areas and hilly areas with steep slopes, so the foundation construction time is extended. Currently, localities have completed handing over the entire foundation position, but the new route corridor has handed over 225/304 pole spacings, reaching 74%.

Regarding the project of a 500kV transmission line connecting Thuan Nam 500kV substation to Van Phong - Vinh Tan 500kV transmission line, the bay site has been handed over at Thuan Nam 500kV substation and the foundation positions. Currently, the contractor is implementing the construction order.

EVNNPT General Director Pham Le Phu assessed that, in a short time, the project has achieved a huge amount of site clearance as well as construction. Up to this time, the project progress is very positive, it is believed that the project will be completed by the end of 2022.


EVNNPT's General Director Pham Le Phu gave a directing speech at the meeting

  • 12/05/2022 08:46
  • 294