Together with the country, EVN has made important contributions to successfully realizing many goals in 2021

Mr. Nguyen Hoang Anh - Chairman of the Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises (CMSC) highly appreciated and praised leaders and employees of Vietnam Electricity for uniting, working hard, overcoming difficulties, fulfilling tasks, and thus making an important contribution to the whole country to successfully realize many socio-economic development goals in 2021 at the Conference on reviewing the corporate performance in 2021 and deploying tasks in 2022 of Vietnam Electricity.

Chairman of the Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises - Nguyen Hoang Anh (far right) awarded the Government's Emulation Flag to EVN. Photo: Ngoc Tuan

Playing a key role in ensuring energy security

In 2021, all leaders and employees of EVN made efforts and united to overcome difficulties and challenges, basically fulfilling the set targets. EVN well performed its role of coordination, ensuring sufficient electricity supply for socio-economic development and people's life. Especially in 2021, EVN secured a safe and stable power supply, contributing to the overall success of major political and cultural events of the country.

The Group also actively participated in social security and support activities and joined hands with the Government, central ministries and local authorities in the fight against COVID-19. Specifically, in 2021, EVN donated VND 400 billion to the COVID-19 vaccine fund; provided electricity price and electricity bill discounts for affected customers with a total discount amount of about VND 3,000 billion.

In 2021, Vietnam Electricity developed the Scheme of EVN Development Strategy to 2030, with a vision to 2045, submitted to the Commission to report to the Prime Minister for approval. This is the basis and premise for the Group to formulate annual development plans as well as medium and long-term plans. Also in 2021, following the direction of the Commission, relevant ministries and agencies, Vietnam Electricity completed the equitization process, officially transforming Power Generation Corporation 2 into a joint-stock company model. This is the first state-owned enterprise that has been successfully equitized in compliance with Decree No. 126/2017/ND-CP of the Government on equitization of state-owned enterprises since the Commission was established.

Regarding production and business performance, EVN implemented many technical and financial solutions, ensuring that the Parent Company and its affiliated companies operated profitably, paying VND 22,440 billion to the state budget; preserving and developing the state capital, the total value of consolidated assets of EVN is estimated to be VND 731,000 billion by the end of 2021 (equivalent to 100.2% compared to 2020). Some targets exceeded the set plans such as a power loss rate of 6.27%, 0.13% lower than the set target and 0.15% lower than that of 2020, etc.

Chairman of the Commission for the Management of State Capital at Enterprises - Nguyen Hoang Anh awarded the Commission's Emulation Flags to EVN's collectives. Photo: Ngoc Tuan

Regarding construction and investment, EVN has started construction of 3 large power generation projects which play significant roles in securing electricity supply in the coming time, namely Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant Extension, Ialy Hydropower Plant Extention, Quang Trach I Thermal Power Plant; completed and put into operation Upper Kon Tum Hydropower Plant, completed the cluster of spillway gates of Bac Ai pumped-storage hydropower project. As for grid infrastructure, the construction of 195 projects has been started and 176 projects of 500/220/110kV power grids have been completed.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of EVN Duong Quang Thanh awarded EVN Emulation Flags to the collectives with excellent achievements in 2021. Photo: Ngoc Tuan

EVN’s President and CEO Tran Dinh Nhan awarded EVN Certificates of Merit to the collectives that successfully completed the tasks in 2021. Photo: Ngoc Tuan

  • 14/01/2022 04:32
  • 518