Transmission power output in the first quarter increases by 4.77% over the same period in 2021

This is one of the outstanding information about the production activities of the National Power Transmission Corporation (EVNNPT) until the end of the first quarter of 2022.

According to the report of EVNNPT, in the first quarter of 2022, along with the recovery and growth of the economy, the transmission power output reached 48,929 billion kWh, an increase of 4.77% over the same period in 2021. It is forecasted that if the growth rate of transmission power output continues to be maintained well, with the expected growth rate for the whole year reaching 5.5%, transmission power output in 2022 will reach about 211.9 billion kWh, which is still at 3.86 billion kWh lower than the plan assigned by EVN.

In the first quarter of 2022, the realized power loss of EVNNPT reached 2.28%, which is 0.13% higher than the plan assigned by EVN. The reason for the increased loss rate is the method of reducing the coal-fired power plants in the Northeast and South regions and hydroelectric power plants in the Northwest, and at the same time, the high exploitation of power sources in the Central region, especially renewable energy to supply power to the North and the South.

EVNNPT's investment - construction volume in 2022 is very large, with the commencement of 43 projects and energization of 71 projects. The Corporation has been focusing on implementing many solutions to strive to implement the plan assigned by EVN, especially key projects under the direction of EVN.

Chairman of the Member Board of EVNNPT - Mr. Nguyen Tuan Tung (standing) reports on the investment and construction of power transmission projects

At the meeting with EVNNPT on 19 April 2022, on the operation situation of the first 3 months of 2022, EVN’s General Director Tran Dinh Nhan directed EVNNPT to focus on implementing solutions to control transmission power output; consolidating and enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of the Steering Committee in reducing power loss; strengthening technical management, operation management, reducing breakdowns and reducing power outage.

Regarding the management of the progress and quality of transmission works, EVN’s General Director Tran Dinh Nhan suggested that EVNNPT follow up on the target as per the approved overall construction schedule and the schedule specified in the contract, to focus on direction and operation. The Corporation needs to promptly report on problems to the competent authorities for direction and support.

EVN's leaders suggested that EVNNPT would continue to propose solutions to increase labor productivity such as deploying remote control centers and unmanned substations, focusing on training to improve technical expertise, and striving to build a team of leading experts in the field of power transmission, especially good technical experts.

  • 19/04/2022 01:45
  • 535